Tikka and a Nightforce, can't go wrong!
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It was half broken and the tumble down the hill snapped it off, there was wire/string rapped around its neck too. It wouldn’t take much to get tangled up in trees.
looks like electrical wire from a fence.
Good shot for the deer,put him out of his tangled misery.
Three deer shot with the 77 TMK last 2 nights. The dog is very handy in the dark for finding them. This was culling for a soup kitchen.
1) Ouch
2) 130 odd yards. Ran about 100 yards steep down hill. Pup let out a little woof - dont blame her 'cos the deer made a racket in the dark as she bowled down towards us.
3) 137 yards. Ran about 15 yards.
Looks like you are having a lot of fun with that set up @Tahr
@Tahr Private Message Sent Hugh
350 meters using a 64gr sierra game changer, the yearling stopped and looked back over his shoulder as if to say I'm at a safe distance but what mum forgot to teach him was 350 meters is not far enough when it comes to the mighty 223.
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It was my first time using the 64gr game changer on deer, I ranged it then dialed 300 on the scope and aimed just above center on the front shoulder and it went straight down.
When I walked over I was almost expecting to see it had got up and run somewhere but no it was laying exactly where I hit it.
Bloody stoked :thumbsup:
That deer will taste nice,feeding out of that paddock.Go the 223.
I've shot a few hinds over the last bit with the 80gr targex. 250-420m. Would say they're not as effective as the 80 ELDM at those ranges. Continue to be impressed with the ELDM.
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