Interesting. I am pretty sure Targex projectiles have a Berger Jacket. According to the Berger bullet info on their website their bullets are intended to be very frangible, so maybe this is the reason for the performance you mention.
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Interesting. I am pretty sure Targex projectiles have a Berger Jacket. According to the Berger bullet info on their website their bullets are intended to be very frangible, so maybe this is the reason for the performance you mention.
Attachment 245455
Attachment 245456
Very accurate, 25.5gr 2206H, cci 450 primers
They cant all be big :)
237 yds. 74grn Targex. Busted the heart and lungs in half and still made it 60 yards.
Attachment 245505
That is a very fast wagging tail! A very happy woofer by the looks.
She did a great track on it so she should be very happy about herself.
Tasty dinner there for the pot.
Targex do use the Berger jacket but the difference is that Bryn makes his own cores which I expect in the 80 are a little harder than the ELDM. What do you think @gimp ?
The 80 Targex penetrate well and will pass through stout Fallow at 400 yards - thats an indication that they are harder. Good on big deer at closer ranges.
The 74 Targex seem to be more frangible than the 80 and more like the ELDM. I need to do a bit more cutting up and poking around to confirm that though. For me Im tending towards the Targex 74grn being good middle ground between the 69 and the 80. Bryn might chime in. @TARGEX
@Tahr So I have been using the 73gn ELDM with good results on Fallow. I do have some 69gn Targex that i am thinking of trying. What's you experience with these 69gn pills. I have been sticking to the 73gn and under weights because of the short throat in the Tikka T3x.
Nothing wrong with the 69 grn Targex. Ive shot a heap of wallaby and deer with them and they have never let me down. @Nathan F uses them exclusively. I haven't used the 73ELDM but they are well regarded. Really, you could chuck a blanket over the 69, 74, 80 Targex and the 73, 75, 80 ELDM and not be let down.
One from last night. Bang flop 260 yds
Attachment 245733