The ones we use are the bulk 55 SP with canalure and BT.
We also use 62 same bullet they diffinitly kill things.
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Bit of a rubbish morning this morning…. I sent an 80gr ELD-M on its way to a stag, but failed to retrieve it. The stag that is. Shot setup was good, I saw the hit and found and followed a good blood trail, until it wasn’t a good blood trail anymore.
I’ve run the shot through my mind a thousand times since, and I’m pretty sure I overestimated the wind. I was holding into the base of the neck slightly, to account for what I estimated to be about 8mph wind. I reckon there was less wind and I’ve hit too far forward in the fleshy part of the neck.
Just felt that fessing up to failures was useful to the thread. No problem with the bullet or delivery system - I just messed it up. The .223 is going to continue to be carried this roar. I’ll be back out there in a few days and see if I find him dead and causing a smell.
I cant "like that".....but good on you for shareing...... hope you can find him when go back for a look.
What range was he @Hunter_Nick ?
Same. I foolishly shot a Fallow buck in the neck a few days ago. Silly thing to do with their current big pre-roar necks. Bullet didn't break the spine and I was lucky to get one into his shoulder. The neck shot did knock him over but he got 50 yards down hill and almost staggered back to his feet. Not nice. 74 grn Targex. But it was all my fault.
isnt it weird/sad that we the shooting community keep making same mistakes/relearn same lesson, year in ,year out..... if you look at critisism levels at the .224s as a whole, for use on deer...... the proviso most often seen is "wouldnt use on pissed up stags/angry stags/neck shoot stags"
THIS hasnt changed in the 45 years Ive read about others hunting exploits.
My son a few years ago shot a huge 14pter in the neck with a 223wssm using 62gr Barnes tax in the middle of the roar. Dropped like a stone. We were walking over to it and it got up shook itself and ran off further into the bush. A red stag neck wet with mud is like armour plated skin.
Uncle and good mate had same happen and they both then emptied mags at it...7mm mag and 44 mag which kind of flips it on its head.
to each thier own.... we make our choices and live with results..if do go for walk in next two days the 222 and 223 will stay home and I will carry something throwing heavier pills....
I don't have a lot of experience with hunting an animal with a.223. BUT have gone OFF the idea. Surely a calibre needs shot placement to be successful is a failure for ethical hunting of large animals. I recently was involved in wallaby shooting with thermals as it was the only way you were going to see enough and my partner had a .223 and needed 3 shots sometimes before we could confirm whether it was worth the effort of recovery. I was using a .308 and it was one shot one kill. I know it was overkill and expensive but just what I took away with the observations I made over the weekend. NOT a fan anymore. Good for introducing young shooters into hunting maybe. BUT .223 in my opinion only for those with experience