1.8 twist is my barrel
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The 73gr ELDM's tightened considerably at 24gr of powder compared to 23.5gr so I was thinking about giving it another .2 of a grain to see if that tightens it up some more.
24.5grns of 2206h has been my load with 50-55grain projectiles for years......so you definately arent way too light,admittedly I use GI brass/milserp what is the best group you have managed with this rifle period...... Im beginning to think something else is going on here....
hmmmmmmm do me a favour mate....check your scope BASES,the rings aswell.... run bit of paper between the barrel and stock to ensure its not touching....
while you have screw driver in your hand ,make sure the action screws are at least firm.
my gut feeling is there is something amis.... EG the factory 55grn stuff SHOULD be under inch...it is in most .223s heck my rifle is lower spec than yours and will pretty much put any load into an inch or less including mixed loads into same group..... something isnt right....
Try and duplicate that load , same OAL (to ogive) etc, maybe pull one and measure /identify powder projo etc . This worked for me in treble-2 , the 'Round' that is supposedly the easiest to load for, but was rubbish till I duplicated Privi-ammo that it shot very well with
400 yard wallaby today. 80 grain Targex.
Attachment 200946
The thread on here about firing 1 cold clean shot at a plate is great. Mate and I did it this morning at 300 yards. 8" plate prone (I used a bipod), mate over his pack. Mate's shot was spot on for elevation and 1 moa right. No wind.
Mine was perfect for windage and 3.5" low. 80 grn Targex. I expected that 'cos it was sighted at 1" high at 100 to fit with other loads I use. So I wound it up .75moa to make it 1.75" high at 100 and went hunting (Ive just been making the adjustment by aiming a bit higher when dialling up to now).
I was hunting wallaby but I spied a couple of fallow ...
425 yards. No wind. Wonderfully clean air so a good sight picture. Solid bi-pod rest. I dialled in the full validated elevation. Allowed about a foot for a light easterly. Broadside. I had waited so that it was reasonably clear of the cover so I could track it at the shot.
It appeared un-hit and ran straight up hill 20 metres and then started doing the side ways gallop thing down hill and tipped over.
Hit in behind the crease angling up, and full penetration. Perfect for elevation. The bullet left a good hole through the off ribs and then broke up.
So thanks to the "plate" thread I got motivated to properly validate and dial in the rifle and it did the deed very well.
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Like you thar, validation and zero. seen peacocks up on the farm when checking a .22.
Went and pulled the 204 out of the safe then remembered I had put another scope on but not zeroed.
Sorted that and went and checked on peacocks but they had wondered off.
Seen a magpie at 405m.
Did the kestrel dance and vaporized that!
Last week got a big peacock at 715m ist round with the 6.5 as well.
Zeroed and validated rifles are a treat to use!
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Shot this sika hind right on last light 2 weeks ago,with the 75gr eldm at 150m, ran about 20m and collapsed. The 75gr eldm have been very reliable and consistent so far.
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The dog looks like he's wearing a goose decoy. (-:
Haha yeah, wife made a wee warm coat for her, was very cold, back to the hut at 1830 and it had already begun to freeze.
Took this yearling last week, shot with a 77gr at 200m. They sure do damage if you forget to shoot neck or head [emoji23]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...13c22acbb9.jpg
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168 and 154 yard neck shots today, 80 Targex.
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That animal is in superb condition
not this time bud....Ive been back n forwards from tarras since saturday...last run tomorrow and weather looks like crap... your meat bag is cleaned and waiting for you next time you coming past.
My Irish workmate with young family was absolutely stoked with last lot of fallow venison I gave him...some from your deer and some from mine.
They seem to like it. Fallow don't seem to mind the cold.
This pic was taken from where it was. There were more higher up than lower down.
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Look what I found in my garage!, if I'd known it was this easy I'd have given this hunting carry on a crack ages ago. Half a dozen people with their hands up for different bits, just spreading the goodwill, outside into the sun to break down, neighbor looks over fence and gets handed a big fat back steak :thumbsup:
Have you left anything @Tahr? Im there next week and was hoping for a bit of shooting
@Marty Henry You will be just fine. They are still making them :)
Clean cold bore shooting today. Prone, bipod, no rear support. Model 7. 100 yards.
First 2 shots 52 grn Targex. 3rd shot on top 3" cross 60 grn Hammer Hunter.
Well happy. Dialed it up 1.5" for both loads to be dead on at 200 yards. Tomorrow, deer with the 60 grn Hammer maybe.
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Like the police officer many many years ago who pulled over a ute which had exited the Onga pub loaded with deer and pigs. Boys full and good mood. Officer have you ever seen such fat and juicy pigs. Officer looks around and seeing no other cars opens his boot. A fat pig is deposited and the parties seperate without another word spoken.Life was so different.
This stag and five others tonight didn’t know what hit them. This fella was solid. Just using 55gn hornady sp out of my 14.5 inch A-bolt. Longest shot tonight approx 180m.
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