No he won’t load as far as I know, although he’s welcome to use my gear, and if it’s a 308 he eventually gets, I’ll happily knock him up some hand loads.
That’s what I’ve done, I’ve got some mild 130’s and my boys shoot it, but I’d say not well. However they seem confident.
There’s definitely a bit of apprehension there. Whereas the 222, no issues.
My 13 year old has shot a deer with each, the 222 was a beautiful shot; clean kill at 150 with a 55gn.
308 took 2 shots, from much less with a 130 gn.
But the long shot was well set up with a rest, and an unsuspecting deer at first light.
The 308 close shot, was under a light, standing, and it was walking away back to bush edge. So there was a bit of pressure on a quick standing shot, when it stopped and looked back quarter on. Probably not a fair comparison, but that’s my main point, when you have a young hunter in a situation like that they’re more than likely going to take a shot.
Had he made the same two shots with the 222, who knows…
That stainless 308 howa or vanguard that sold the day would be a good starter.