Got that heavy "80's" gloss to it. LOL.
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My daughter's 3rd deer.
75gr eld-m @ 50m.
Im holding the head in shape for the photo.
Attachment 265567
Shot a couple this afternoon with the 75gr black tip that Hornady supplies to AAC for their Saber Blade Black Tip. Midsouth Shooters Supply had these bullets as a component and I bought 1500 of them. They worked today but I’m not 100% sold yet. I’ll need a few more kills to give them the thumbs up.
#1 was 220 yards kneeling shooting off of my garden stake shooting sticks. Put it in the neck while she was facing me. She was very heavy weight wise and had a big neck and head.
Attachment 265900
Attachment 265901
#2 was 140 yards broadside and put it in the shoulder. She went about 50 yards and I found her lying on the fenceline against a log. I actually pulled my truck up to the fence line and went into the woods looking for her and came back out and found her 20feet away from my truck. Her coat blended perfectly with the wet logs and brush. This one wasn’t quite as heavy as the first one but pretty close.
Attachment 265902
Rifle deets: Savage Hog Hunter 223 20”, Athlon Helos 2-12, MDT Fieldstock, Griffin Armament Recce 5 suppressor.
Holiday Hunt for antlerless deer closes the 31st so I’ll be back out tomorrow before the weather turns to crap and call it done. No bucks worth shooting this year and we are overrun with doe. The neighbors don’t shoot them and 2 weeks ago I had 17 doe cross the road in front of me while I was driving from my property to my parents farm next to me.
Grizzly with .223
Great read, thanks for the link @Tahr
@Flyblown There's a big one on the US Rockslide forum that attracts a lot of attention.
You used the 64 Nosler Bonded, eh? Do you recall what powder you used? Ive got a hundred and might as well use them up, even on wallaby. They have not shot very well for me. Penetrate like mad though and slightly slow killers. But deer always end seem to end up dead after that sort of experience.
Ok, so Ive been thinking about this all day.
My very brief reply earlier was indicative of being not really sure, 1- of if the message I am trying to get across in the relevant threads, has been understood.
2- not wishing as stated in the past, to bring conflict too this thread.
So I've gone about my days work thinking over a suitable reply, and given that the tag was singularly directed at me, I will respond with some explanation of what I think and why. Very plainly and openly, and at some length. With some introspection on why I think what I do.
First on the grizzly. The guy was shooting over a bait and had the opportunity for perfection on an animal that was not upset, stressed or aware of his presence. That counts for a lot.
I also got tones of pushing a barrow that made me feel he's far from impartial on this topic.
Explanation and introspection time.
The shankspony of 10 years ago was a different person too today's Whanahuia. In those days you would have found most of my reports and info revolved around hunting with a longbow. It was also before I entered a long term relationship and also before a period of time where a perfect storm of events meant I had to all most completely start again in a Kilpling- esque- If, kind of way.
Why is all that relevant? well for both reasons I no longer had the time to hunt as I freely used too, or the money to devote too my hunting in the same way. Looking back I was incredibly fortunate in the first half of my life and probably didn't realise the advantage I had.
Trad Bowhunting taught me an INCREDIBLY important lesson. To not loose an arrow unless I was ultimately sure it would go where I intended, and that I should not hunt with the bow unless I had the time to practice so that I could be that confident.
Ultimately I came to the conclusion that I wasn't happy with killing an animal unless I had behaved 100% ethically and morally in my behaviour in regards too knowing I could kill it too my best ability.Pre shot.
You wont see a bowhunt report from me until I again have the time to practice and gain the level of skill required to achieve that.
Having a permanent significant other gave me a much better understanding of what most peoples situation is, where time for hunting, practice etc is limited, and the rest of my situation gave me a better understanding of the costs constraints most people face in weighting up time and seeking perfection. Ive shot less animals in the last 7 years, than in any given yeah previous due too these factors.
I might have put aside the bow, but I have carried through too my rifle hunting now, a lack of desire to push any boundary as far as killing an animal gos. Distance, velocity, weight etc Including calibre. If you don't think pushing boundaries is relevant with the .223 cal, then Id say go too .17 ???
If you will not, then you are on the boundary, surely.
Now none of that, or anything Ive said in the past means that I'm saying you should not do what you enjoy. Id be a fucking hypocrite if I did. But my reticence is based on knowing fairly well that, at least most of you fit in too the time/income level and also experience and access too animals, that puts you in a different league too the average guy, or the new hunter. Best rifles and scopes, reloading time and energy and expense, ability to depart from the norm and create a rifle etc.
You can afford to practice. You can afford the best. You can afford to reload and most of all....... You can afford to not take a shot if you desire or think it unwise.
I suspect the guy with the grizzly and or Walrus is in the same boat.
To prove your point, Im off to find a country that will let me shoot an elephant with a 77gr SMK. I have no doubt I can. But does can equal should unequivocally?
My opinion could equally be seen as part devils advocate, and part concern that the impression represented is not the best information or conclusion many hunters should come too.
I genuinely feel there are better choices for most people.
But I do enjoy seeing what you guys are achieving.
I beleive the 223 is used to cull camels in Ausralia and is very effective.