That's awesome :cool:
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To be completely honest, most of the guys I know in the sport are using cartridges on the smaller end of the spectrum. Most have gone big at some stage, but settled on something more moderate. I have one mate that used to use a 300WM (as well as a 6x45). We used to compare notes on his mills with the 300 and mine with something smaller. He doesn’t use the 300 anymore, but says he will own one again just because it’s ‘cool’. He still has the 6x45 and a recently purchased tikka 308.
I’ve got no problem with whatever anyone else uses. A 225gr ELD-M from a big magnum is an impressive thing- just doesn’t work for me (I can’t shoot one to save myself)
That's awesome @buzzmann. Probably about time he got a new rifle though....:)
Last evening. 300 yds with the 62 grn Maker. Neck shot under the chin.
Attachment 266486
Then we did some culling.
And here's what happens if populations aren't controlled. I shot this potty thing. Just fit for dog tucker. 150 yards through thermal with Targex 74 grn. Craig's Visla. There are lots of deer in this area looking like this.
Attachment 266487
And Craig with the thermal too on the way back to the ute... 160 odd yards and the Targex. Bang flop. Different area to the skinny one so in better condition.
Attachment 266488
Not yesterday and last night but yes I am using it but it's on my Kimber 257R. I have a Sytong HT-70 (similar to the Zulus) on a Tikka 223 that I use a lot.
Yesterday I used my Savage Lightweight .223 (Hardy barrel) with a Zeiss HD5 3-15 on it till dark and then switched to my M7 .223 with a Sytong thermal on it (outstanding) for the quad ride back.
Lots of gear eh. But at my age I reckon Ive kind of earnt it.
Tahr the photo of the skinny Fallow and even the other 2 look to be lying on good grass/tucker.
Is the feed just not there to sustain the current population?
Could there be another reason to poor condition? Older deer nearing the end of their lifespan maybe.
Don't normally see to many skinny deer on farmland, unless they are sick or the land is really marginal country which by your photos looks to not be the case.
Either way having a hunt with your lad would of been a nice day/night out.
Thats a relevant comment. These poor condition deer are leaking from a large private scrub block of shit country where there is low hunting pressure. They have been malnourished their whole lives. While there is excellent grass and cover outside of their sanctuary they seem to prefer to return to their home range after a nightly foray onto surrounding farm country. Those that don't return and take up new digs never seem to get back to decent condition or get popped before they can. And Im constantly culling new arrivals.
I really don't understand landowners letting it get too that level. It doesn't do them, the land, or the animals any good.
My father is getting like this. The deer decimate his corn and do a good number on the hay yet he feeds them through the winter. We hunt the farm but he doesn’t want us to kill very many of them. They have become his pets and it’s very irritating. 17 Whitetail crossed the road in front of me after hunting hours behind his pole sheds. It’s a bit ridiculous. It’s money wasted feeding them in the winter and reduced yield of the crops. I have a plan for next year to reduce the herd a little more and he won’t find out about it, I have property that connects to his so I can drag them to my property and tell him I shot them on mine. If the neighbors would kill some deer it would help but it’s all about the antlers in the US.