What are the details on the rifle and suppressor ? Looks fantastic
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Cheers she is nice :thumbsup:
The rifle is a Sako 85 .223 in 1:8 twist stainless laminate varmint with a fluted 20” heavy barrel and set trigger with a Wildcat Evolution 50% over-barrel modular moderator, prints one ragged hole at 100 meters with 69g matchkings, perfect for the UK smaller deer and fox control
The hares:XD: are Muntjac, usually about 8 to10KG when dressed out, found in Asia and the UK and excellent eating, they breed all year round and are seen as a pest!
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The Chineese Water Deer are slightly larger, no antlers just enlarger canine teeth.
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The boiled and bleached skulls make for a very unusual book end, sabre-toothed hare :XD:
Here’s a couple of yearling hinds dropped with 73gr ELD-m projectiles. Needed a Waterman magazine to run them in a Tikka T3.
378m bang flop double lung, still doing 1940fps and 600 f/lb at that distance.
260m, I was fighting off sand flys at the time and had a bad shot placement blew up on shoulder blade and punched through a little, it dropped on the spot but lucky I could still see her and gave it another to finish her off.
73gr should work in a 2.25" standard mag
Yeah. The 73 are designed to work in the the short 2.25 inch AR mags. The same as the 77 Sierra tipped.
73gr ELD-m OAL 2.371” and using adi 2208, easy sub MOA, 1/4 MOA if I’ve got my shit together ( shooting fundamentals and prone position ) and not shooting off rocks boulders or walking sticks along with a 29 degree incline as was the case with these two deer.
Currently working my way through the linked thread. Again…. Like a good movie, sometimes it takes a second time round to completely ‘get it’. I’ve hunted with smaller cartridges before, but not properly. I’m eagerly awaiting the arrival of a .223 T3 so I can get after it with some 77gr TMKs. I’ll be adding to this thread soon…..
I've got 77tmk loaded ready and waiting to try.
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73gr ELD just barely works in an AR mag. You wouldn't want to seat them any deeper. My rifle doesn't seem to like them which is annoying.
The TMKs sound good but I can't stomach the price. They can't be that much better than options available surely?
The 77 Sierra do seem to be the best but gimp swears by the (cheaper) 80 eldm and I have had great success with the 80 Targex and still have 80 odd left of them.
Nathan seems pleased with the 69 Targex, and Ive got 200 74 grn Targex loaded to use for the first time on Wallaby and deer for an early May trip. So there are plenty of options.
In the mean time Im sitting on 250/300 of the 77 Sierra Tipped and at their price am almost too scared to use them :)
I would struggle to agree that the 77tmk are the best due to the credibility gap of a prominent user on that rokslide thread who is the primary self-appointed authority and advocate for the TMK. Bruce has had good results with the 77TMK, I have had good results with the 80 ELDM, I haven't tried the TMK and I don't believe Bruce has tried the 80 ELDM. That's the facts we have.
I'd certainly agree they work and happily try/use them but the comparative advantage info I'm aware of comes from a sketchy source.
I can only speak for myself in the UK but for head and neck shots don’t overlook the Sierra 1380 69g HPBT as with 25g of N140 at book length I get a ragged hole and same POI at 100m as Barnes 62g TSX (30190) with 26g N140 so tend to use the Matchking for head and neck out to 150m and the Barnes for body shots any further and have never failed to recover a deer but have failed to recover a single bullet but the deer are small, no bigger than the size of a fallow yearling.
60g nbt @ 3100fps
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Still got velvet knobs?
I couldn't get the 80 ELDM to shoot in my Tikka (even with long mag). The 77 TMK did so I didn't persist with the ELDM. Gimp's and my experience confirms that there is nothing between them when it comes to knocking things over.
The 52 ELDM's shoot lights out in my rifles and is no slug if popped into the right spot on deer. Sometimes I get the odd deer with them when chasing smaller critters.
So as I have become an owner of one of these, I'm after a little clarification. Rifle at best has a 1-12 twist (still to be confirmed later today), worst case 1-14.
As such I doubt anything over 60grs (unless its short and stubby -64gr powerpoint, sierra 63gr semipoint-maybe a bit soft, and the 70gr speer), will work.
so we can count out the heavier ELDMs and TMKs
Is it that fine line between tough and explode? just tough enough to wreck a shoulder if you had to, but prefer in the crease to take out lungs etc?
Maybe a light weight monolithic for bigger game?
Fallow doe. 200 yards. 55 gameking.
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Shop around and you can get them for $28-$32/100
Makes me wonder why I ever started the reloading rabbit hole for the .223, the 55gr hornady factory rounds I started with work very well. Rolling your own is part of the fun though to be fair
As above. Hornady 55gr SP reloads have accounted for about 30 of the 68 deer I’ve shot since may last year. The rest mostly accounted for with Belmont ammo which is loaded with same. A handful taken with heavier projectiles. Hornady and Speer 55 Sp work well so only trying others out of curiosity.
Out of interest @gimp is your M7 your only shooter? Or have you got something in another cartridge that comes out now and again?
Just home from Spiker shooting. The 80 grn Targex really are good. 200 yds and a slightly muffed shot. Still dropped on spot.
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