Cheers. Quite well aware it's not capable of crunching stuff like a 308 for example but dontbhave to treat its made of tissue paper either
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Cheers. Quite well aware it's not capable of crunching stuff like a 308 for example but dontbhave to treat its made of tissue paper either
It seems there is no slowing down of .223 appreciation here , just spent quite a while catching up on posts since my last visit.
I finally found some Sierra 77gr TMK projectiles , can’t wait for them to arrive and see how they go through my rifles.
Keep up the good work / posts / photos that make this thread great .
Finally blooded my howa mini 223 on a quick south island hunt to one of my favorite old haunts in the Blue mtns. Definitely a cull buck with one very weak side with no guard tines.
75gr ELD-M did the trick.
My first deer with the 223, seems ideal for fallow/sika, joy to carry too!
Attachment 224829
I’m chasing some loading advice in regards to the 77gr TMK projectiles.
Are they picky when it comes to how far they like to be jumped to the lands ?
My hope is to seat them out as far as the magazine will allow ( my rifles have reasonably long throats ) to maximise the available case capacity.
Some projectiles can be very touchy when it comes to how far they want to be jumped , what’s your guys opinions and findings when it comes to the 77gr TMK .
I have just worked up a load for the 77 in my Tikka and tried seating at LOA to fit in a standard Tikka vs my Waterman mag seated at 20 thou off the lands.
Both shot around 1/2 moa so have gone for the 20 thou load as it's less compressed.
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I have a Schultz & Larsen in 223 with a 1:8 twist which shoots 64g Winchester XP Deer Season Extreme Point very accurately (when I'm in form). The last deer shot was a buck at close to 200 metres, which is the longest shot I've made with this rifle. My shot placement wasn't as good as it could have been (although the buck didn't move much after being shot), as the beast needed another shot to dispatch it to its maker.
I only shot one small Pig with them , so that’s not exactly an in-depth trial of their performance.
It was quartering away at about 150 yrds and the Pig died instantly . I didn’t do an autopsy because it was left where it lay because the Pigs here QLD shouldn’t really be eaten particularly in summer because their diet consist mainly on carrion and just nasty stuff .
The 73gr shot very well in my Howa with a load of 22.8gr 2206H / 2.34 oal .
I’ve no idea how fast they were going , but I’ve recently got a MagnetoSpeed chronograph, so I should load up some more and check their speed .
Lately I’ve been concentrating on Dingoes and have been using Hornady 53gr VMax projectiles, they fly fast and flat and are excellent for that task
64GR Winchester deer season slays them.
Ive just seen this for sale. Would be good for the non-hand loader.
Not a deer but a young sow I shot yesterday at 100m with a 73gn ELD-M. Thought people may be interested in the autopsy photos.
Attachment 225545
Attachment 225541
Attachment 225542
Attachment 225543
Exit hole in skin.
Attachment 225544
Entry wound behind the shoulder (30mm diameter hole).
The small exit hole in the skin suggests to me that the main core of the projectile was still intact. I only found one small shard of jacket in the wound.
man I drooling looking at that prime sauce and hoe into it.....scoffemupdelishimo
First post. Loving this 223 thread. Been using a suppressed Browning BLR in 223 for bush hunting over my indicating dog Kai. He's a viszla/gsp cross about 3 years old. Acquired the rifle late last year inspired partially by this thread and my love of things that don't go bang too loud. That and sick of dropping my much loved Sako in 7mm08 which is now my dedicated mountain rifle (as it rightly deserves). Been getting a bit of flack from mates about running this calibre on deer. But hasn't been a problem with a few sika and red deer hitting the deck since.
Initially found the Hornady SP 55g shot the most consistent groups through the rifle compared to Winchester SP 64g, but taken animals with both. First batch of Sako Gamehead 55g wouldn't fire (primer?), but 6 months later acquired another box and it groups superbly and anchors animals. Found the Sako Gamehead excellent in both 223 and 7mm08 calibres on game in the bush.
A wee spiker Kai found just before dark at 12 yards up a deep gut staring down at us:
Attachment 225601
The top 3 shots are Winchester 64g at 60y, using a Red Dot. The bottom 3 are the Sako, and a correction the shot closest. More than enough for bush encounters.
AI ---------- Artificial Ignorance
I dont really who uses what,as long as the deer get dropped.
I hope you pulled the sako ammo and reloaded it..MAYBE the primers were deeply seated..havent struck it in centrefire but have done with .410 ammunition... short fireing pin and deep seating doesnt work. did have some issues years back with my zastava and it put me off ccci primers for a bit UNTIL a mate showed me how to release bolt tension/spring tension for storage....leaving your BLR with lever open would in effect leave spring compressed...MIGHT have contributed to your issue.
Nah I returned the ammo. Must have been that batch. The latest is working well. All part of figuring out which ammo works best. Been fun
Sorry if mentioned already in this long thread, anyone else use speer 70gr semi-spitzer sp? I'm flinging them at 2850fps and my Howa with a 1/8" twist absolutely loves them, It really lives up to the "eyeball gun" nickname at 100 yards. Recently shot my biggest fallow buck at 65 yards and it was 1 shot kill, he stumbled about 20 metres before dropping. No blood trail which did concern me a bit.
I should've taken autopsy photos, I hit the shoulder bone a tad high but it penetrated through and mushroomed through both lungs before stopping just shy of the skin on opposite side. Good balance of penetration and expansion I reckon, but it's sort-of an old school looking blunt projectile.
Ive used the sierra 63grn semi blunt ones a couple of times with good results.... they will work in a 1;14 so good to have a few on hand.
Piggybacking on this thread, has anyone tried the H&F 55gn SP? Pretty cheap, but don't know whether to invest in 50 if it's crappy.
Good thread, cheers - just got a new .223 as well and this was helpful.
Attachment 225793
55 gr Hornady. Dropped on the spot with a neck shot.
Attachment 225794
55 gr Hornady. Dropped on the spot with a neck shot.
@Mwilson32. H&F branded ammo that I’ve used, about 1000 rounds, has all appeared to be loaded by ODL/Belmont. All been adequate ammo for goat culling and the odd deer/pig. A few years ago local dealer reckoned he’d heard of a fewcase head separations but I never had any problems. Don’t know what current price is if it’s available but used to be about $1 a round retail.
It's currently $1.30 per round which isn't too bad, so might give it a crack, but will check out the Belmont price too. Cheers for the info - fingers crossed the Howa likes it.
Good luck finding Belmont. They haven’t loaded any for months and won’t be until powder arrives from their supplier, latest indication is July according to Brett.
I’ve just ordered a Waters 6 shot 66mm mag for my Tikka .
Im interested in hearing how you got on with yours , do they feed well and how did they go in combination with the 77gr TMK .
Did you use the available length that they provide to your advantage with 2206H and the 77 TMK ?
77 STM stayed at 2.3” cos no benefit from being longer. Couldn’t get 80 eldm to shoot out near the lands so didn’t persist. Extended mag ideal for 74 and 80 grain Targex and both shot well at fullish length. Mag feeds well regardless of bullet length. I have to watch for the bottom plate dipping and jamming when loading the mag though.
That’s good information :thumbsup:
Interesting that you couldn’t get the 80 eldm to work .
To be honest that is half of the reason why I’ve fronted up for the Waters mag , I want to give them a run after seeing the results achieved by gimp and his “ wonder beast “ of a .223
Where abouts did you order your Waters mag?
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Go direct to Waters themselves. It’s an easy process, Dave is great to deal with. Not cheap though…. Best to buy more than one mag.
I know a few people that shoot deer with a 223 but its not a caliber I would recommend any new shooters using on deer unless you are confident you can get a good kill shot to the head.
I think the main reason they use 223 is the cheap ammo cost and low recoil.
thats part of the problem.....a headshot ISNT the easiest or best shot to take...the neck is just as quick of killer and allows more room for error..a quartering away shot in the crease....tight in behind nearside leg angling forwards is by far and away the most CERTAIN killing shot with most room for error...yes animal may move off a small distance..but with no oil in the engine it wont be going far.
@Old_School back about 10 years ago NZ Hunter put out a chapter in thier magazine titled calibres for under 16s find it and have a good read,sit on it for a week then read it again...really down to earth no bullshit look at what is a tricky balancing act
off top of head/from memory
the top options were in no particular order as my memory isnt perfect
22-250 got a mention as did a down loaded .308
the creedmores and grendals werent readily avialable then but the gist of article was well worth getting head around
I own a very accurate .223 but bought a 7.62x39mm for our Son to learn with.... considering we keep ranges below 150yards either kills well but the x39mm gave more room for error....didnt help us when I misjudged range resulting in the only deer Ive ever had wounded and not recovered...not for lack of trying...a flatter shooting 243 would have cancelled my error
suppressors have made many previously unsuitable cartridges entirely OK for young folks..look at how many 6-7-8-9 year olds are shooting first deer with Dads .308-270-30/06 etc etc prior to suppressors it just wouldnt happen as recoil is no good for learner thus the 222-223 was often used under strict supervision and for short range..100yards n under.... it works as this whole thread shows IF YOU DO YOUR BIT..get in close enough and place pill well enough.