Old_School back about 10 years ago NZ Hunter put out a chapter in thier magazine titled calibres for under 16s find it and have a good read,sit on it for a week then read it again...really down to earth no bullshit look at what is a tricky balancing act
off top of head/from memory
the top options were in no particular order as my memory isnt perfect
22-250 got a mention as did a down loaded .308
the creedmores and grendals werent readily avialable then but the gist of article was well worth getting head around
I own a very accurate .223 but bought a 7.62x39mm for our Son to learn with.... considering we keep ranges below 150yards either kills well but the x39mm gave more room for error....didnt help us when I misjudged range resulting in the only deer Ive ever had wounded and not recovered...not for lack of trying...a flatter shooting 243 would have cancelled my error
suppressors have made many previously unsuitable cartridges entirely OK for young folks..look at how many 6-7-8-9 year olds are shooting first deer with Dads .308-270-30/06 etc etc prior to suppressors it just wouldnt happen as recoil is no good for learner thus the 222-223 was often used under strict supervision and for short range..100yards n under.... it works as this whole thread shows IF YOU DO YOUR BIT..get in close enough and place pill well enough.