Recent 2 trips. Using 53gr Barnes. Very dead deer. Embarrassing to see heavy pills used by others. 220m looking away. Back of the swede. 2nd was 240m on side. Never feel under gunned.
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Recent 2 trips. Using 53gr Barnes. Very dead deer. Embarrassing to see heavy pills used by others. 220m looking away. Back of the swede. 2nd was 240m on side. Never feel under gunned.
fired single 55grn sierra softpoint today (loads given to me by 257 weatherby years ago LOL) it tipped over nice fat fallow spiker/stag at 150ish..he went all of 20 yards with tip of heart missing and both lungs poked lost zero meat as was pretty much perfect meatsaver shot placement/fluke as was shooting off my knees in tall tussocks . Poppy told me animal was there and did great job of finding dead animal in tall tussocks.
18kg daybag full of primo eating.
Attachment 237501
went onto google earth,she was winding from 350yards away and shot was indeed 150ish this one was all of 20 yards from spot I got first one with her months ago using the trebly LOL. now had 6 deer from within 300 yards of this same spot.
Those yearlings are small and very cunning when older ah.
cunning I shoot n eat them first LOL.
Red stag and Fallow spiker last evening.
Both about 150 yards. Both lung shot. Both pass throughs. Both 60 grn Hammer Hunter at 3,150 fps. Red ran about 30 yards which was a good thing 'cos he ran up hill and out into the paddock which saved me some work. He left a good blood trail.
Fallow just did the .223 stagger and fell over.
Attachment 237606
Attachment 237610
Entry on stag.
Attachment 237607
Exit on stag
Attachment 237608
Fallow. You have to feels sorry for these little guys but there are just too many.
Attachment 237609
So much blood. Unreal.
Here's the exit hole he had in him.
Attachment 237711
Hey chaps, I'm running dangerously low on the Sierra 77gr hpbt that I stocked up on from Belmont, can anyone reccomend a heavy ish factory load? Obviously aware I should get into Reloading but current hobby load is heavy [emoji23]
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Osama Bi Laden was shot with a 77gr pill with a HK416.
Broncos and Gun City have it.
Presumably the same projectiles will work well in a 22-250.
Any favourite recommendations?
Bought a tikka for my young fella, he seems keen, has knocked over a couple of Fallow, hoping to chase a summer Sika soon.
22-250 is USUALLY a 1;14 twist...... bog std 55grn work well.... the 63grn seirra semi point work well
was thinking the other day,there is a small niche for a heavy blunt 224 projectile...up weight and loose length so it will stabilise in slower twist but not a long range thing..sub 150 is me anyway
hmm might have to find some LOL
This guy has some good content and is really underrated. I rekon a 50m zero could work pretty good with a longer barrelled 223
That’s a practical looking blade you have there @Tahr
Attachment 238674
Sat night. 70 yds. Straight down. Front on chest shot / bottom of neck.
That mini-me is becoming quite the hunter.
@Tahr - He's going better than most 9 year old's
and he has GREAT taste in footwear.... go the minime.
Been a while since I've added to this thread. Few new additions to the 223, a carbon Fibre stock and Jefferson bottom metal.
Latest 3 animals, shot with 75gr ELDM's. Currently working up new loads as can now seat the projectiles out further.
Son shot this at 320m, DRT.
Attachment 239345
Attachment 239346
Attachment 239347
Nice. They look in good nick.
Good shooting young fellow,you making dad proud.
So absolutely not shot with the .223- exact opposite. Took this spiker last night with my .358 Win at around 100yds. 200gr Hornady SP launched at 2600fps.
You’ll see the size of the hole on the onside, could put my hand through it. Shot quartering on, on the point of the shoulder. The takeaway here is that he still ran 40yds or so, and was no more dead or dead faster than if I’d used my .223 and heavy for caliber frangible projectiles.
Attachment 239369
Attachment 239370
when yo ufellas learn to smash the front or preferably both..blood trails pretty much become redundant LOL.
beautiful rifle and good looking deer.enjoy the venison.
230m, 73gr ELDM, entered high on crease, exited opposite side, staggered 15m and tipped over.
Attachment 239507
Attachment 239508
An evening out with the .223
All 52 grn Targex. I will write a report.
Attachment 239510
The 52 Targex are brutal. 280 yards. Red spiker. And there are still people who say the .223 isn't any good on deer.
Attachment 239540
6 for 6….223……30-30…..
Attachment 239683