Nice to get a lucky break like that. Good shooting. No meat wasted.
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Nice to get a lucky break like that. Good shooting. No meat wasted.
Yep lucky as. Not a hard shot as the head is massive on sambar.
All meat recovered. Each back leg weighs 25kg without the hock. Back steaks the size and thickness of my leg (I'm a short bastard though). Eye fillets were 1.5kg each.
We took the reciprocating saw back first thing in the morning and got the ribs and neck for the dogs. Only left the bare spine and hips.
Attachment 241332
199m neckshot
@gimp if you were putting that rifle together again would you use the same parts? is there anything that you didnt think was worth it or that you would change? looks pretty ideal
73gr ELDM, boringly predictable at 330m.
Attachment 241340
This thread is brilliant, so much so I'm now looking for a short barrel, stainless Howa 1500 with Hogue stock (I like the feel over their standard stock).
Currently on page 58, hopefully there will be something on suppressors soon, and I can add that to my list.
Finally got rifle going tahr. Sight in tomorrow and then were into it.
Attachment 241622
What's everyone's recommendation is the 60-65gr range, I've got a K95 5.6x50 barrel coming, its only one in 12 twist, currently sitting on 63 SMP, 60 partions and 70 Sp Speers, I've used the 70g before, great inside 200m, I only had a .222 at the time, local Sale on 62, 65gr game kings, anyone using these, esp the 62gr, AS its doubtful, the 1-12 will stabilize a 65gr boatTail.
Normally i shoot a 6x45 as my light rifle, but the K95 i am bring back to NZ, is a lot lighte,r and i am loving it, starting to look at building up a loads, as should see it soon.
The DPT Mini overbarrel is a great .223 suppressor.
I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but @tac 01 I hate everything about that rifle! Where is the fine grain walnut with hand checking? The curved pistol grip, like a woman's waist? The hogback stock with functional cheek piece?
Plant (walnut) trees and save the world! Then craft more walnut rifle stocks!
Dinosaur RULE the world!
Lucky you wont ever have to use it then chief. Rifles like this are tools for me, not ornaments.
So, if I want a light workhorse thats weather proof and accurate, this is it.
Will have a look at Dpt suppressors when next in Hunting and Fishing, Cheers
@tac a1 what barrel length is that?
Can someone chime in with the magazine length needed to fit the longer bullets, i.e., 80 gn ELDX without impacting to much into the case.
This evening. 322 yards. 77TMK
Attachment 241776
There’s a new 4K hikmicro day night scope that is even better albeit heavier, bulkier and more expensive.
Need one of these... :ORLY: :o
52 grn Targex right on dark this evening. 80 yard lung shot and she ran/fell about 100 yards down hill. Bullet went right through her. Third dry doe/hind Ive shot recently.
Attachment 241898
I gave the 75gr eldm (@2900fps) a run yesterday afternoon. First 2 rounds fired at deer since sorting the load out.
1st shot was 280m on a ginger spiker, steep down hill, L to R wind. I held just left of the shoulder point, bang flop!
2nd shot was in the head on a yearling doe at 80m finishing a deer that a mate had spined. The guys shot other deer in the same basin.
It started pissing rain so didn't get any photos, just a chiller pic this morning.
Attachment 241937