Maybe this style of comment is better put in the other thread. Going down this style of discussion wrecks this threads intent i feel.
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Today I had perfect prone rest,both bipod and back pack. Two deer in matagouri less than 150 yards away,rifle sighted in properly( checked 20mi utes earlier harvesting goose breasts off a Canada in place I don't want one to nest lol) both deer resting.I even had a 63 grn projectile in the bigger 22-250 case. I lay there with bolt closed for good five minutes,didn't fire.lifted bolt and waited some more,one deer totally obscured except it's head was visible when it lay neck out to peek around scrub.the other one I could see entire animal,BUT it was laying arse on to me and only feasible shot was neck/head upright in shade at far end of animal.... Fallow have always been my nemisus animal,needed far more follow up shots on them than all the reds n pigs combined. So I waited some more.arse on yearling eventually stood me view of legs and tiny bit of crutch,it took two steps forward and lay down by its mate completely obscured... The wind was gusty and blow you off feet strong. I walked away leaving deer chewing cud and laughing at me. One day Roger Fits one day...
Nobody has suggested a full noise 200 grn load in 308 for a newbie. What a daft thing to say.nobody has suggested full noise 180grn either...I will add the Winchester load used to be great and recoiled less than its 150grn brother. So I really can't understand what three legged hobby horse your trying to sell. All the arguments you use FOR the .223 work even better for the 7.62x39mm for a new shooter but the same range restrictions and discipline still apply.
Ok. I will freshen it with one at 240 yds. Not hard to kill this size-a yearling buck. 77 TMK.
Bella has taken to laying out like that and sniffing them. Not sure what that’s about.
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Craig took it home for a bbq. Sent that pic of it looking like a skinned rabbit. High shoulder shot ruined a bit of back steak.
Physics does not care about opinions and feelings:
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So now your suggesting a 300 win mag is on the table for a first rifle for young fella was an option.... Your so far out of the original question it's laughable if not outright rude. Agree the 243 is a good option ,suppressed even more so.
Some this guy say this n the other guy says that. Recently a guy send some projectiles down range at 1k and got a perfect 10 for ten, damn good that. It wasn't a 243 but my fav 300 wsm.
A couple at 200 odd yards for the soup kitchen. Shitty night but still a good choice over watching the rugby test on TV.
60 grn Hammer Hunters at 3280 fps.
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First shot was the yearling. Broadside lung shot. It bolted without any sign of hit and folded after about 15 yards. Pretty much what I would expect from a rear lung shot:
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Mum ran up hill 30 yards and stood barking, face on to me. She copped one slightly off centre in the front of the arm pit at a slight angle. Pretty much folded on spot:
Broken hearted
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Got 2 of those early this morning. Calm and cool at 6 degrees. Yearling had a mohawk between the ears and the hind got flattened in the neck. 53 gr Barnes. Stupidly carried them out whole.Ferry uphill all the way. 2 hours and 7 minutes later collapsed at truck. The ICEYTEK coffee mug was still warm. Offal now in dehydrator for 8 hours. Dogs just love it. They have never been a fan on raw offal but the dry stuff they take your fingers off.
2 x 77grn TMK's at 100 yds is a bit brutal.
Got some lovely venison though.
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Pretty fancy bolt. Into bling bro? Nice shooting .
Not a normal scope but thermal in day time?
It's a day/night scope.
I processed a large Fallow doe today. It revealed text book performance.
The bullet was a 60 grn Hammer Hunter at 3280fps from a 20" barrel .223, the range was about 200 yards and she was quartering towards me. The bullet struck her through the bottom joint of her leading shoulder. It split the heart.
This pic is of the inside of the shoulder (nothing was recoverable really).
Attachment 260563
This is looking inside at the bullet entry through the ribs under the shoulder. You can see the main entry and a petal entry. The petals are designed to fly off on impact and the shank to drive through.
Attachment 260564
And here is the shank which I found under the skin in the off side flank. This is how it is meant to look - minus the petals like this.
Attachment 260565
What I read is that you must continue to generate speed as much as possible to ensure the petals fold. That is not a wound it is devastation.
It's an impressively large wound
Farkin heel mate.might as well have used a .270 lol. Yip that's deader than a dead thing. Great terminal performance,you got to destroy stuff to let the red stuff out n daylight in. I'm rather impressed by that.
That wound is from a RPG,not a 223.Totally jelleyed the sholder.Wander what a 308 Hammer Hunter would do?
My daughter's second deer. 80m headshot under pressure with the 75gr eld-m, not much head left this time. Also showing off her new pikau from @nzspearo.
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Another you spiker i shot also with the 75gr eld-m , again not much head left. My daughter and Grandad posing in the photo.
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And a bonus photo of my daughter with a goat she shot in the head at ~120m with the 77gr lapua bthp i drill the tips on to improve expansion consistency.
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That's awesome @Roarless20 , impressive shooting by your daughter and it's great that the pikau is already getting used!
I have a question about the 75 gr ELD-M for you. Are the 75's that you're shooting factory ammo or handloads? I'm getting a 1:8 Howa 223 next week and am looking for 70+ grain factory ammo options (as I don't handload yet) for deer.
It seems easy to find 50-ish grain ammo which will be good for wallaby etc, but it'd be nice to have something heavier for deer since the 1:8 should handle it.
Thanks @Shearer they look good
Thanks @Hunter_Nick I'll try get some this week.
I just picked up a wee 223 Elude for my daughter and I. Man, it's a light and tidy piece of kit. I am looking forward to taking it for a walk.
Sako 55gn goes well I shot a very large Red Stag tonight with a Sako 55 factory bang flop out of a shirt barreled 1 in 7 twist. 180 metres
@ariki where did you hit it?
“Edge of the outback” putting some heat into the 223
@Jake77 16 inch