Was that also a heart shot? It looks like it would have been
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Was that also a heart shot? It looks like it would have been
He means that Gimp's rifle shot was even more deadly than an atomic bomb. A cumbersome metaphor, but plainly he wasn't expecting two Japanese veterans of the actual bombings to be on this hunting forum. Konichiwa. Banzai.
(My father was at Pearl Harbour (on the day) went through Guadalcanal and the Phillipines, and his thoughts were that they should have dropped more atom bombs. So, you know, everyone's got an opinion.)
Yes and I grew up around chap who spent a few years in a camp called Changi....had grandfather on Crete etc. But making comment like that was bad form,bad taste. War makes monsters of us all. We are now generations past that horror.we don't ever need to forget it but no need to pick scab of festering wound either. Struck like lightening would be much more appropriate,don't you think??
I think lightning should consider itself fortunate to be compared to the effects of a .224" 80g ELDM, personally
Those 80ELDM have a very high opinion of themselves already without them hearing stuff about being compared to lightening.
Ill stress, this is observation, and not intended in a negative manor. I use a similar shot choice, and have done for 20+ years. I just dont get the running. Except for the last shot I fired which was an approx 300gr projectile at low velocity.
The wound channel looked remarkably similar however.
Faarrkkk - finally I get in on this thread, My Dad was in "J Force" and visited both the A bombed cities. It made a big impression on him. AND I saw him get struck by lightning one time when I was a kid, it flowed down over his umbrella and through the steel d9g kennels (he was putting the dogs away). The only casualty was the umbrella!
My partners german. The only time I mention the war is when I ask her what she's sinking?
Using the .223 on deer can only be described with a feast of epic metaphor.
A deer struck by a .30-06 must be a nuclear holocaust or a black hole imploding. Impossible to imagine.
Back on track. Went on a Deerstalkers Ungulate control shoot in Upper Spray, Marlborough. Weren’t high animal numbers as it turned out. I used Belmont Black 55 gr ammo mostly, shooting out to 300m. 2 yearlings shot @ 50 and 40m didn’t give a toss that that’s what killed them. Same for 8 goats and 3 pigs. I did however shoot 2 goats at 474m, 24 degrees uphill angle using my 73 eldm load. Took a couple of shots to get drift right but got 2 clean kills so happy enough with result. I’ve spent range time out to 600 yards so know my drops pretty well. The ELDM’s certainly work at range but good old Speer 55gr SP’s also get the job done.Attachment 262644Attachment 262644Attachment 262645Shot from above, front on, through spine. Attachment 262646 Neck shot at 50m, moving right to left at fast trot. Both dropped on the spot.
+1 for the speer 70gr semi Spitzer, I usually don't locate the projectile but this one was found just bulging through the skin on opposite side and I'm pretty pleased with this balance of penetration and expansion. Bog standard engine room shot through the shoulder, dropped where he stood.
That 70 grn pill looks impressive and it obviously did a good job.
Is that though what kills stuff best?
Ive trended towards more frangible bullets over the last few years - ones' that look a bit messy and sharp edged and are about half their weight when you retrieve them. Mostly the lead has separated from the jacket. They seem to wreck and plunder the insides better than harder projectiles.
Isn't that ironic??? When read in conjunction with your other post how most of your "less than ideal" results this year we're with 257 using mono projectiles... You simply cannot make an omlet without breaking eggs. More damage = faster killing. But more damage is more damage/less edibles. Be interesting to see how you go with NBT. With everything else the same. I suggest the 257 Bob will be completely different beast in dramatic fashion.
Ive used plenty of the 115 NBT through it and they were very good. The Barnes shot tiny groups and that's why I was using them. Disappointed. Back to the NBT's (they grouped about .75"). I will try your 100 grn NBT's too.
Wallaby treck starts tomorrow - 500 .223 loaded. :)
I was meaning good luck for the wallaby
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Now that IS one time where a mono projectiles is called for.
I highly recommend the Barnes 55grs TTSX or the 62grs TTSX for deer.
They work VERY well on deer, also when shooting at the heart and lung area.
But hard quartering to and from shots against the heart and lung area should not be taken with a 223 on deer in my opinion.
I prefer the TTSX bullets over the TSX bullets, even if the TSX bullets work well too.
The TTSX bullets expands more reliable when taking a bit longer shots.
I cant guarantee it will play ball, But im staying away from the area if you reckon you can get here for a look @gimp. Its big! The width from dew claw to dew claw is almost as wide as my hand.
Get it with a .223 and post it here ;)
Bailed up with dogs the trebly does the bizo so the 223 will romp home too.all about shot placement lol
If its all about shot placement, then Ive shot a 190lb wild boar with a .22 rimfire.
Heres an example of an even bigger boar, somewhere approaching 300lb and my little BRNO 22
Guns are deadly! no matter what the calibre or case.
Are they all equal though and will the New heavy projectiles give performance similar too bigger calibres?
Not equal for sure...BUT as someone else recently said,if you are aware of limitations and work with and around them.being prepared to decline shot if not right... Yeah many things are doable.
Thats roughly been my point all along.
I know.and agree 100%
I don't think anyone disagrees on the principle; the point of difference is regarding what the limitations are. I don't shoot deer at 500m with the .223, the bullet won't function reliably at that impact velocity. I do with my 6mm, because it will (and it does).
I'm currently trying to empty my freezers and have been giving away all my deer meat for the last couple of months, so I don't need the pork, however depending on how much value Mr whanahuia thinks he'd be able to get out of the exercise, I'm happy to try make time to find this pig and shoot it somewhere near the right place so he can assess in person whether or not it might exceed the limitations of a heavy .223 bullet - I don't think I've ever seen a pig so large as this one is described but I haven't seen any issues with the performance of the 80s to date that would make me hesitant to poke it through the shoulder - maybe an extremely big boar really is the limit
Ill send you a PM @gimp. But if it doesn't work there will be others, and Im loaded with pork myself. So I'm happy to give you a bell whenever big one shows up on the chance it suits you.
Im am genuinely interested too see the performance and compare. But equally, I have a suspicion/ Will be interested to see if I will notice some difference in shot preparation, patience etc between what you do and I would do.