Ha ha. Sometimes the wrong person has got the uniform on :)
Cripes those M14s' were rattly inaccurate damn things.
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SOME of them were accurate ..some were VERY ACCURATE...shot my first big game animal with one..nanny goat at 50 yards just after cullers had taken 1400 of the farm...headshot her ....was about 10 at the time.
well before that all I had shot were rabbits...got VERY good at stalking in to 10-15 yards and popping them with 410...I can remember shooting hare at 30 yards and thought I was daniel boone.... the head looked like good place to shoot it,so I did LOL.
my older Bro had 3 mini 14s over the years,the first n third were accurate...not bruno fox accurate but plenty good enough to deal to goats at 250yards. the 2nd one got sent back quick smartly.
I spent a lot of lockdown time last year at my reloading bench making up various test loads that are taking me a while to get thru at the range. Had a few lovely sunny hours yesterday including with my little Ruger Ranch and thought these results might be useful. Next step of course is to post real world flesh impact pics. Hopefully before not too long. The range is only 38m cause I'm a lazy fella when it comes to traipsing back and forth to document and patch. And yes, there are 4 shots on each card. I'm shooting seated at a table with the fore end resting on a cushion. The aberrant charge was excluded from the average, forgot to note that on the page. Anyway..
Attachment 167837
3031 is equivalent to BM2 and ADI book max for BM2 is 23.5gr, likely you can go hotter. It's also not the ideal choice for velocity with a 69gr, too fast burning - 2206H is probably best if you can get some.
@Phil_H I taught both of my girls to take larger game starting with goats, then Fallow & snack pack Reds by using loads like the very mild recoiling Federal 55 grain soft points ,over a couple of years they would have shot over 250 goats & 14 deer with them .Even their first Stags were taken using the Federal Premium load with the Nosler 55 grain BT as both loads shot 3/4 MOA ,5 shot groups consistently .I used that time to teach them stalking, so shots at the start were limited to under 80 yards & then 150 yards,they never lost any animal & most were shoulder shots that dropped them like sacks of shite & the majority exited,l often found the shrapnel effect from shattered bone in the chest cavity.
If the eldest daughter had not claimed the Howa mini l would still be using it shooting the 77gr TMKs
PS may be the reason Sharon's photos were a bit shaky, was because she now has trouble reaching the shutter button :P.Hope she is mending well (obviously if she is out the back imagining a deer carcass is a giant carrot in revenge while hacking away at it ,she is doing well ) pass on our well wishes .:P:thumbsup:
@grandpamac G'day Grandpamac I saw your " I spotted that the Bergara single shots were chambered in 6.5x57R I got all weak at the knees ." If you ever look at getting another close caliber or replacing those two 6.5x55 rifles ,l strongly recommend you look at a 6.5x65mm RWS a calibre IMO perfect for NZ & one of the most over looked cartridges in the word .It does everything the 6.5x55 does only better ,throws shade on the 260 & 264 Mag & does just about everything the 270 can do, all with exceptionally mild felt recoil that comes back in more like a slow roll than a punch .I have used the 120 &130gn Barnes TSX doing 3000fps +to take all our deer & a lot of plains game & took a Kudu at 314 yards with the 160gn while the wind was howling& it smashed both shoulders with a 3 inch exit & to this day have absolutely no recollection of the recoil ,one of the out standing features of the cartridge in the field is due to the mild rolling recoil you have the ability for quick follow up & staying on target .
Mine is high up on the should never have sold list ,it was only a budget build by a UK gunsmith for a work horse guide gun on the old Mark X Mauser actions & what l believe was a thinned down Boyd laminate stock that were both all the flavor over a 10-15 years ago, that l got cheap S/H in Africa.With the improvements in bullet construction & powders it would be a even better cartridge these days.
@Jhon I used a similar load doing around 2400 fps to start my daughters off shooting center fires & it was very accurate in 2 separate rifles l tried it in ,after a couple of week ends they did not want to use their .22's again & l quickly had to find another 223 not long after.
On a serious note ,can l also ask the Admin's ban any future posts by @Jhon showing his lay out of load testing notes .I spent 20 mins staring at my screen through the tear stains & my missus has had to make a booking with a therapist for me so l can try to regain my self worth after comparing my own smudged ,written upside down ,crossed out 3 times & at varying angle jottings from my own load testing notes.Put simply in the words of WE'RE N0T WORTHY .Seriously well done on showing us how it should be done :thumbsup:
@top of the south and I shot a Fallow spiker at about 150 yards with my 20" .223 using Fiocchi factory ammo shooting the same 69grn target projectile at 2600fps. Lung shot and it ran 15 yards and died before I needed to get another shot into it. I found the projectile under the skin on the off side and it was nicely mushroomed.
Here 'tis
Attachment 167875
Greetings Bunji,
Thanks for your reply. I think that my 6.5x55 T3 I bought a few years back will do for the limited hunting I am likely to do in the future however I have to agree with you about the 6.5x65 RWS. Charles Benke (I think) wrote about it and the 6.5x64 Brenneke a few years ago in Handloader. I currently provide what I call technical assistance to a friend who has a 6.5-06 and who does not handload. He absolutely loves it. There are just not that many gaps left to fill in the rifle cupboard which usually halts any new purchases as long as I think about it for a while. The 6.5x64 is the 6.5-06 with a longer neck and the RWS a bit different again. All truly great rounds, especially in NZ. As a retired draughtsman (amoung other things) my handloading notes are reasonably neat but not as good as they were 40 years ago so to remove any chance of offending I will refrain from post any pictures.
Regards Grandpamac.
Here's a little Fallow I shot last night. 150 yards, 77grn Sierra Tipped.
I was perplexed about the larger than usual size of the entry and that I couldn't find the projectile. No exit either.
On reflection I recall that the front of the deer was shielded by light scrub which I shot through. I think that the bullet must have been expanded or busted up as it penetrated the scrub.
Anyway. Dead deer.
Attachment 168079
@veitnamcam likes autopsies :)
From the last deer (above).
Looking at the angle of the shot and exit maybe the big entry was because of the angle of the shot rather tan a blow up, sort of scimming in a bit.
Attachment 168107
It did exit
Attachment 168108
But left some lead core under the skin. The jacket must have exited.
Attachment 168109
Just a heads up, just received info Belmont Ammo is about to do another batch of their excellent 62grn SP load, which out of my Howa ran at just under 3000 fps.Very good performance on Fallow & Red Snack packs, as well as goats l used them on .These shot 12-18 mm in the Howa & under MOA in the Mod 7 & Sako.
These batches sell out in days normally, so we just buy the bulk packs that come at 1000 rnds loose in the ammo can& split them up among our hunting group.
@berg243 where did you get the 62gr gold dots from? I've been trying track some down.
Bugger. No can't help you there....
Mate, that would be awesome if possible! Thanks for thinking of me.
I saw some 69g tmk's the other day, PM if you want the details
55 grn Hornady exit @ about 220 yards (.223).
Bullet sitting under the skin. Hit in crease. Ran about 30 yards.
Attachment 169748
Attachment 169749
cant complain about that !!!!!
On a serious note ,can l also ask the Admin's ban any future posts by @Jhon showing his lay out of load testing notes .I spent 20 mins staring at my screen through the tear stains & my missus has had to make a booking with a therapist for me so l can try to regain my self worth after comparing my own smudged ,written upside down ,crossed out 3 times & at varying angle jottings from my own load testing notes.Put simply in the words of WE'RE N0T WORTHY .Seriously well done on showing us how it should be done :thumbsup:
Ha, thanks! I was too embarrassed to publish my handwritten rangebook page..its not a difficult template to create but if anyone wants it PM me, it's just a Word.docx file. The photos I take while my barrel cools. On my Android I found if I crop the photo immediately I take it, then edit details and change the default jpg file name to a detailed name such as "240gnHawkesT_AR220726gn-45m.jpg" then I forever have a labeled record of the group. And by the time I've walked back my barrel is back down to warm. Don't worry about deciphering my filename, just make up one that is meaningful to you. From my phone I share the photos to a Dropbox folder and from there I insert them into the word document. To publish them on the forum first off I took a photo of a printed page and uploaded that. Then I discovered a free windows 10 app to instantly convert a word file to a jpeg file. Voila!
A tip when you relable a photo via its filename, do the first one for a group, then copy it. Your clipboard will hold that available so the next group you just select the default filename the app has used and hit PASTE. then edit what has changed, usually just the powder charge. Sounds tedious but becomes very quick. Once done I patch the target and therefore have no worries about confusing groups. FWIW.
I only go to the trouble of making the record for range tests that are really meaningful to me. All the raw stuff I keep anyway in my range book so I'm not repeating stuff because I forgot it didn't work.
Ha..been banging off a few of those Hornady 55grn soft nose jobs ? lately myself. They are capable of wasting some good meat on occasions.
anywhere in the eye son,anywhere in the eye
get as close as you can,then 5 yards closer
pick your shot or let it walk away
oih I resemble that remark.
I dont believe there are many hunting books written before 2000 that I havent read at least twice.... cut my teeth on Holden,Burdon,Orman and Co......
I learnt to shoot using single shot 410.....my 22 was remington single shot and man did that account for a LOT of animals over the years.... Ive never owned a semi,Ive inherited a semi shotgun now....but just as happy to take the break open
I will probably get flammed for typing this,but Im big enough and definately ugly enough to take it on the chin.....
In my opinion,it was the wholesale uptake of semi 223s that gave it bad reputation on deer sized animals......some folks had got into the spray n pray type of shooting..... when folks use ANY type of 222/223/22hp savage/22-250 and take time to get in close,aim properly and fire single round into boiler room or nervous sytem...animals fall over
when you KNOW you have 5-10-15-30 more bangs at your disposal just by another yank on trigger,that first shot CAN BE RUSHED,well thats what Ive seen over the years....I KNOW for myself,when using single shot break open,my shot to kill ratio has ALWAYS been very very high...as soon as there was more in mag, it went up.
Ive not buggered up a deer with 223 yet...cause I make plurry sure shot is going to do bizo or just dont squeaze off...my life experience has taught me I will only get one good shot,so make it count.
there are a lot of folks on this forum I would dearly love to sit around fire with.
cold beverage in hand,moreporks calling in back ground,dog curled up asleep by my feet,campoven feed filling puku to excess.
Me old dad manys manys yrs ago had a single shot 22 remmington.Fk could he shoot with it,deadly as.Even head shot ducks on the water at 70 80 yds with open sigths.
Ha'ha'ha your a hard case Duck,good write up,fare enough although I think yi may have just picked it up a tad the wrong way.
The Anywhere in the eye lad saying has been around for ever,was told to myself at the old age of 13yrs. My look up to hunter at the time was a culler and friend of my old mans. Many yrs on me myself and I would have used that old saying a lot and mostly to younger dudes keen to listen and maybe pick up on good hints in regards to hunting etc. And even tiday I still meet a few of those same guys who I used to help and they still to this day give me shit about how to use a small pill properly,followed by anywhere in the eye lad,blah,bla hard cases.
I'll bet that ol saying will be still goin when I'm long gone eh.
And to be honest it says it how it is,,,and it sure as hell works.
to look at it ANOTHER way...when the trebly fist hit our hunting scene...it was an amazingly light rifle that was incredibly accurate compared to MOST other rifles around at the time....so folks who used them,learnt to pick shots or they ended up with wounded game and chucked rifle away in discust.... the chapter 222 the controversial one...penned by Philip Holden all those years ago still hold merit today...NOTHING has changed with animals,we have faster twist barrels allowing heavier projectiles which MIGHT give SLIGHTLY more margin for error...but its slightly....
the folks who used them and loved them ,got in close and picked the shot.....that much HASNT changed.
This thread was dropping back a bit. .223 still works.
Attachment 183363
A reasonably aged nanny. Aka 15kg of shoulders, ribs, shanks backsteaks and boned out hindquarters. Neck meat was a bit past it
I think @gimp means the neck came ready minced :thumbsup:
With all this talk about .223 it makes me wonder, has anyone got any observations about differences (if any) in performance between .223 and 5.56x45?
@Tahr where did you source your aftermarket T3 mag from?