Yes sir but don't leave drag marks on the ground.
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Yes sir but don't leave drag marks on the ground.
Cheers for the reply.
Yes that makes more sense than scratching my head and wondering why you were shooting skinny deer on that nice green grass.
Ive heard of that before, and it certainly frustrates some farmers when they have neighboring blocks to them that are incubators for uncontrolled animal populations that filter through to their good grazing country.
Last evening. 292 yds. 74 Targex.
The range adjusted red aiming dot doesnt show on the screen. It was half way between the cross hair and the brisket, and thats where the bullet struck.
Attachment 266661
Smackadooski.*Nice shooting. Podium.
First decent sika shot with the old 64gn Winchester super x’s at 200 yard with a tikka T3. Stag dropped on the spot and didn’t move
Attachment 266695
70 yards with thermal. Cripes it was hard to get a steady off hand shot. It was dead just near to where it disappeared.
The win 64 gn PowerPoint is manufactured as a deer bullet. Not high bc but has a solid following in the US. I’ve got a bag of them here for use this year. Seem to work well for you?
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First deer with the 223. Blue bin for reference. Only a tiny one. Red orphaned fawn. Still a good learning experience for the kids in shooting and guiding someone in across a valley on walkie talkies. 185m with the 73gr ELD-Match.
Attachment 267716
That's gonna taste delicious! Great work, and must have been good fund for the kiddo's!
I have about 20gn more powder behind it ;)
@Tahr that would be much appreciated, I will flick you a pm in the morning
Ok, im back on the 223 again haha. Glad to see how this thread is going since i started it ages ago.
I have a shite load of Hornady 55gr BTSP ( the bulk ones with cannelure) that ive got a good shooting load for at 3010 fps (short barrel). i tested for the BC ages ago but lost the data, and i know the advertised one is wrong. Anyone got a more accurate BC for them?
Funny you say that about being hard to hold steady with the digital scope.
I have the same issue with my zulus 3-12 on my 7.62x39 bush hunting. Bloody hard to be steady on freehand shots!
I think the issue is actually input lag of the digital scope. We are trying to correct the reticle to the target but the reticle isnt actually in the position we are seeing due to the lag/delay of the device.
390 yards. 74 grn Targex.
Bella was so tired you can see that she fell asleep.
Attachment 268370
What sort of damage are they doing at that distance?
@charliehorse I took a pic of the entry through the ribs with the shoulder peeled back. You can see a bit of lung through the rib entry by my finger. That shoulder was broken and ruined. It didn't show any particular sign of impact but I heard the whop. It staggered maybe 10 yards at the most and tipped over.
Attachment 268392
A good endorsement of the 74g Targex and placement of course
What sort of bullet is the Targex 74g?
390 yard with a .223 is pretty impressive regardless of the projectile. the image shows plenty of tissue damage. this sort of performance certainly cast doubt over the old theory that a clean kill on Deer size targets requires a minimum of 1000 foot pounds of terminal energy. In this case there would have been around 700 foot pounds.
Lucky that deer can't count, I suppose.
Those numbers always seemed reeeeeeealy arbitrary to me. Why 1000 foot pounds and not 1050, or 970? What weighting was given to bullet construction, impact velocity...... yet for decades people have repeated it, and experience here and elsewhere has blown great big holes through the story. Sounds like the science might not be completely settled.
Yep agreed. 10 years ago you wouldn't see me dead using a .223 on Deer. Now I do it regularly and although I sometime look at that tiny wee cartridge and wonder if it really will do the job, it hasn't failed me as long as I do my part and stick the Pill in the right place. Up until now I have limited my shots to 300m and in, but maybe I am being conservative.
Yep I don’t believe in that 1000ft/lb energy theory. Have shot deer at 380m+ with pills lighter than 74 gr. They just need to be put in the right place. With the numbers I shoot I’m confident in the rifles I use putting the shot in the right place. Same for @Tahr and others I guess. 223 isn’t for everyone though.
Remember a lot of these sort of numbers came back when proper projectiles weren't really available, or from the states where these calibres were not permitted for deer sized game. Plus over there younhave a shit ton of older calibres that were.ok out to a hundy but that was about it.
Someone obviously started coming up with a relatively logical system using calibres that always basically worked and how far out and coming up with that number.
It doesn't account for bullet construction, accuracy, or skill of the shooter
It’s not new, the .22hp Sav with its 70 gn .228 projectiles had a similiar for efficacy beyond its case capacity.
The use of modern heavies in the .223 is a further refinement with some of the variance removed due to improvements in rifles, pills and optics.
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69gn Targex. 130m hind quartering slightly away, entry via onside crease, through major vessels of the heart, out via the offside should joint. Offside lung was jelly, hear wasn't attached to anything, and the offside shoulder was thoroughly destroyed. Dropped on the shot, got back up took five wobbly steps and dropped dead. Dog took me straight to her and just sat there as if to say "got another one for you".
Attachment 268467
Attachment 268468
My one loves hunting too, but it sure does cut into napping hours. Here's him waking briefly while we're glassing.
Attachment 268481