It's a dam shame we can't get more of them.
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Brian and I had a muck around this evening. I sighted my Tikka in with Targex 74 grn Bryn made for me. 2950 fps from standard barrel and shots touching (until barrel & suppressor got hot). Have 200 loaded for next week. The M7 is sighted in for 69 Targex at 3K. 100 of them loaded.
and that IS part of the problem.......
Im not saying its completely bullshit...but I would take it with grain of salt too..and if its dinky die honest to God have experienced shooter with no buck fever using firearm he uses everyday and has done for years so knows bullet path inside out might have happened...but its a hell of a risk to take if a mouse farts somewhere along bullets path it will move off track.
if young job newbie reads that then tries it,he will more than likely miss completely or wound animal
no different to me picking up Philipo or dannybs long range cannon and expecting to shoot a deer at 750 yards without rangefinder or dialing might happen...but I wouldnt bet on it turning out well.
i am a new hunter and dont know where to hunt really, a bit scared to go hunt in open public hunting, is there any hunting ground in south waikato or close to auckland? is anybody can hook us or give us tips where to hunt wild animals
Are you scared of getting lost or getting shot?
If you are worried about getting lost you need to learn how
to use a map and compass.
Forget about hunting until you are confident navigating off track.
Don't worry about getting shot. .
As for areas, look on the Department of Conservation website.
Pureora and Kaimai Forest park would be the closest to Auckland.
will be more of the 80gr Targex eventually but have to wait till Bergers have more of their J4 jackets available for me to be able to make them.
Its been a weird few years!
i have a very good mate who hails from the states..."used to shoot kiyotes with my 22magnum out to 600yards,dropped them in thier tracks,took a bull elk out at 1400yards with the 7mm mag"..the same 7mm mag he wont shoot cause it used to kick too much,untill I added close to pound of lead up its butt....
doesnt dial or use range finder...for sake of harmony I roll my eyes and change conversation.
Not much else you can do!
The more I know about longrange shooting the more skeptical I become of these stories.
The reality is that yes the odd time people pull of a long shot but unless they have the knowledge and the gear with every thing validated I call it a fluke!
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Does anyone have any experience with Nosler 60 grain ballistic tips on deer (which shoot exceptionally well in my Kimber Montana). As opposed to the 55grainers they have a slight cannelure which may or may not make a difference re how they hold together. I’m a bit worried they might be a bit too soft. Thanks!
[QUOTE=huntsika;1441125]Does anyone have any experience with Nosler 60 grain ballistic tips on deer (which shoot exceptionally well in my Kimber Montana). As opposed to the 55grainers they have a slight cannelure which may or may not make a difference re how they hold together. I’m a bit worried they might be a bit too soft. Thanks![/QUOTE
@7mmsaum [emoji16]
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They go ok on crease shots behind foreleg. Heavier base than v-max for example and get better penetration. Only used one box on deer/goats before reverting back to Hornady 55gr SP, they do the job and cheaper high volume shooting.