Approaching a likely looking spot I slow, inching forward on my stomach and pushing the 243 out front so it could have a look around, I could see, but only just
Binos in hand I peered into the brush n shit that seems to grow where deer spend their spare time
Time passes easily behind binos, too easily sometimes, then a brown/reddish face nibbling the ground, here we go
The plan at this stage to quietly close the bolt and send one down its ear ole
It collapses like it’s legs were stolen and in the scope I’m aware of a blur to the right through my field of view, then back to the left, then again to the right, a brilliant display of confusion reigning while it realises it’s mate isn’t contributing to the stampede
It eventually stops and slumps to the ground as a 95g Nosler Ballistic Tip (3100fps @ muzzle) enters centre of the scapula, and exits the opposite side, 210 yards not enough to scrub much energy from the projectile.
I had hoped for this type of performance from the 95 grainer (thanks to Gail Root) and it’s a worthwhile upgrade from the 60g NBT in the 223
Anyone else have favourable experiences with the 243 and are you still enjoying it or have you moved on to other things……