Mean shoulder damage there. The goats must do some awesome cartwheels being hit with a 405gr slug.
Mean shoulder damage there. The goats must do some awesome cartwheels being hit with a 405gr slug.
I`s the guide guns Marlin action larger than a 3030 one and stronger, maybe I could rebarrel my 3030 with a 45-70 barrel. I always thought the 45-70 would flamox anything it hit, great stuff, instant field pizza.
i would consider the wildcat .35/30 @homebrew.357 or a .44mag/.45LC which would be cheaper with available factory ammo . . . handloading/casting is the way to go.
give Nelson a ring at Status Guns in Invers if rebarreling is an option you might like . . . good guy and always willing to talk guns
without a picture . .. it never happened !
no cartwheels . . . smashes thru both shoulders, bullet exits, dropping them hard . .. the sledgehammer effect of a well placed heavy .45 bullet
bit of a ramble here loaded with opinion, not saying they're facts, just my thinking based on my experience . . . others will differ
some say its a waste, somehow wrong to have incomplete transfer of energy with full penetration . . . which sounds kinda right from a efficiency point of view . . . but i don't care about efficiency in this case, if its heating a house yes, i don't with shooting, its about terminal performance
with the subsonic .30 calibers with their lighter bullets you need a lot more care, knowledge to make it work successfully, they don't have the weight to smash thru in a straight line and anchor an animal of any size, it gets worse quickly as the range increases . . . with the BIG calibers its best to look for information from the big bore handgunners and African shooters who use the heavies at modest velocities, their bullets and techneques are more appropriate . .. to many people try to transfer their knowledge from what they know, high velocity cartridges, it doesnt work, theyre different beasts . . . ramble over
without a picture . .. it never happened !