Ahh, good on ya Rossi. I looked at both those clips and the first animal was pole axed for sure but then he was only a two year old meat job and probably a steer by the looks. Don't know why they shot him twice. Always hard to tell when listening to gun shots and not seeing the gun but would it be a fair guess that they weren't subs?? The second animal with the bow was a nice three year type and things went just as you would expect with a bow. There was another clip following I saw with a bison hunt 2015. A good sized bull was shot with a big pill out of a 30 06 and it just broke the right shoulder and the bull was left hobbling round waiting to be finished.
When the skin hunters were operating from camps on the red river and in the Texas Panhandle migration, the shooter would ride out and shoot animals on the edge of the herd from horseback ( not wanting to push the main bulk of the herd on or away which would draw the shot animals away too). They would shoot them in the heart / lungs and by the time the shooter had a dozen shot the first ones would be falling over. The skinners would then come out with a wagon and peel em as the herd grazed away from the fallen.
The best place I found to shoot big ones was in the Atlas joint ( where the first vertebrae meets the skull ) Those big bulls are seriously tough and strong. The bones are massive and the muscle and cartilage protecting the chest is like armour and not like domestic cattle. Those horns are for fighting and sharp yet a bull never gets poked by a horn in the neck / shoulder / chest. The hide and muscle is just too tough. Anyway if I were using subs in my 45/70 short ( when I get it finished ) to shoot a serious bison I would be looking for a 600 grainer- with a Big Metplat !!
Confessional, The poem was a way of thanking you for saving my soul. Did you listen to the Kongos ??