Access & landing into Kaweka - Kaimanawa
1) Are there limited Flight Operators (Helisika for example) that have "Sole" landing rights ?
2) Can a hunter be put down anywhere other than Huts (and hopefully picked up again on a scheduled date :-)
Access & landing into Kaweka - Kaimanawa
1) Are there limited Flight Operators (Helisika for example) that have "Sole" landing rights ?
2) Can a hunter be put down anywhere other than Huts (and hopefully picked up again on a scheduled date :-)
1) yes. Heli operators need to be granted a concession to land passengers in the Forest parks.
2) no. They can only land at designated landing sites. Landing sites must also be booked by an operator over a period. This prevents operators landing clients on top of other clients.
The two main operators in this area are Helisika and East Kaweka Helicopters.
Certain areas of the Kaimanawa are no go for helicopters because they fall within the remote experience zone.
Thanks for that
Yes - I knew about the "Wilderness Zones"
So these two Parks are "public areas" ??
But there is a monopoly - created by CAA or the Parks Board ??
Just curious about the later
Is there a limitation on Permits for unlimited # to "walk/hike" into Parks ?????
There's no monopoly just very few operators that fly in there. A few years ago there was 3 operators off the taupo road alone that had concessions for the Kawekas and Kaimanawas.
There's no limit to how many people can walk in, first in first served. The fly in system that is set up saves a lot of heart break when people spend money to fly in only to find another party or 2 already there which still does happen in other places.
AFAIK This is dependant on which doc office is managing the hut. The cni office I believe doesn't have the same setup, they will drop people on top of each other. Oamaru, boyd etc operate like this.
From Tussock East is where booking is required, managed by a different office
Boyd airstrip, Kaimanawa's is accessible by fixed wing , operator needs DOC landing permit. Hunters just need hunting permit, free for all, first in first served.
Had helisika drop up off at tussock and then a few days later another party was dropped off on top of us so no guarantees really
And most the company's do work for doc so dont bend the rules.
It's a great rule you can walk in for a full day to a quiet spot and not have to worry about some heli hunters getting dumped in next to ya with big canvas tents and beer.
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The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
As stated prior, its a DoC rule.
There are a few other pads where DoC allow operators to drop off hunters, some of which may be seasonal, I think? Like Tiraki, Thunderbolt etc. There were a handful of pads in the Remote Experience Zone (Whakamarumaru, Ecology and another I can't recall) that were open to hunters in spring, but that was canned about 10 years ago. Basis of that decision was that those pads were open to facilitate animal control, and not enough were being shot to deliver ecological gains, so given they were in the REZ they were closed.
If you have a look at the Sika Foundation FB page you will see DoC have made specific arrangements with that entity to allow its members to fly to places you generally can't for organised management hunts a few times a year. Helisika support it with discounted flight costs.........
Helisika and Lakeland used to be a bit flexible and drop you off on their land next to DoC land if you were heading off onto the adjacent DoC land.....not sure they do so any longer?
Yes I saw the Sika Fondation promo - that is what sparked me into a trip back
I suppose I been spoilt before - but I would NEVER flap into a park ad-hock in peak Roar or Spring.
I like winter hunting best as I enjoy bush hunting more than open.
Must admit - was a little shocked at the Heli prices now - was still thinking $800 anywhere figure :-)
Anyway thanks for all above
Great weather pattern we in - should be heading in now :-(