Hey guys
I've been teaching myself to hunt for the past wee while, and have and recently been trying to get into deer hunting. Yet to get my first animal, I've gone out maybe 10 times
I hunt the tararuas, and just wanted some opinion on my choice of location.
I go in from the west side, in different points north of waikanae. I've been hunting an area lately that has north facing ridges with clearings and what looks like deer beds everywhere. fair amount of deer poo and tracks in the area. And more clearings + bush along the river bed below which also have a bunch of deer tracks through them. My assumption is that around this time of the year the bucks will be heading down to the marshy wet stuff to get ready for the rut right? So if I keep on cruising up along the riverbed my odd's would be higher than up on the hills if I'm correct?
What part of the terrain would the doe's usually hang out in this time of year are they more likely to stick to higher altitudes or does it not even matter?
Appreciate any tips!