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Thread: Am I hunting in the right locations?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2023

    Question Am I hunting in the right locations?

    Hey guys

    I've been teaching myself to hunt for the past wee while, and have and recently been trying to get into deer hunting. Yet to get my first animal, I've gone out maybe 10 times

    I hunt the tararuas, and just wanted some opinion on my choice of location.

    I go in from the west side, in different points north of waikanae. I've been hunting an area lately that has north facing ridges with clearings and what looks like deer beds everywhere. fair amount of deer poo and tracks in the area. And more clearings + bush along the river bed below which also have a bunch of deer tracks through them. My assumption is that around this time of the year the bucks will be heading down to the marshy wet stuff to get ready for the rut right? So if I keep on cruising up along the riverbed my odd's would be higher than up on the hills if I'm correct?

    What part of the terrain would the doe's usually hang out in this time of year are they more likely to stick to higher altitudes or does it not even matter?

    Appreciate any tips!

  2. #2
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    if you seeing deer beds and deer shit you are in right place......get the wind right and SLOW DOWN....also them deer arent currently in said beds or arses above said poops..so they are somewhere else...NO SHIT SHERLOCK you say..well where is it??? where are majority of footprints leading to???from??? again get wind right,slow down and find out.
    the deer will be,where the deer will be. you just need to find out where that is.. one thing 40 years of chasing them has taught me..all the rules are broken. nothing is a dead cetainty,even crop of turnips next to forestry at 02;00 can draw a blank....
    Andygr and choppypython like this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    I assume you mean stags and hinds?In the tararuas?If your hunting reds,id say your in the wrong place for stags at the mo they are all heading bush now, marshy stuff is not attractive to them, thy will wallow anywhere they can find a bit of damp stuff they don't need to go to a swamp.if you seeing heaps of sign but not animals id say your technique is flawed and that's what you should look at changing.one tip I would give is keep your eyes forward as much as poss,stop looking at prints and shit all the time-i still have to remind myself to do this regularly and since I have concentrated on this I see and kill ALOT more deer in the bush,you will be surprised how many deer see you coming and just move away quietly without you even knowing they were there.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2020
    West Coast
    If you are seeing fresh sign. Prints, Poo, Hair on what you think is a bedding spot, then you are in the right place. However if you are not seeing the deer, then you are in the right place at the wrong time.
    tetawa, Micky Duck, Andygr and 3 others like this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    North Canterbury
    The beds in the stream bed / flats grass are probably not 'beds' as such but just places they lay down to cud during the night. They then return to their beds proper for the day which will be 2/3 the way up the hill on the shady side. Get on that ridge in the dark of the pre-dawn and hut down working along into the wind and along the face. If you find a real good spot with good vis stop and watch for 1/2 n hour
    Ned, RV1, Billbob and 1 others like this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    North Canterbury
    You’re not far off the mark

    Walk half as fast
    Look twice as much
    Wind in your face
    Expect the unexpected

    Look for the colour & shape, once you’ve positively identified…100%….1000% identified
    Your eyes/ imagination will play tricks on you
    Last edited by Bent Barrel; 02-03-2023 at 07:22 PM.

  7. #7
    Member scotty's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by whanahuia View Post
    If you are seeing fresh sign. Prints, Poo, Hair on what you think is a bedding spot, then you are in the right place. However if you are not seeing the deer, then you are in the right place at the wrong time.
    what he said
    Micky Duck likes this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Southern Alps
    Early mornings befor day light and late evenings into dark.Watch a good clearing with lots of sign n green feed.Wind in yr face on edge of clearing.Sit under bit of cover.Out of ten trips they will make a mistake once,your turn.
    Bent Barrel likes this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Bay of Plenty
    Quote Originally Posted by Bent Barrel View Post
    You’re not far off the mark

    Walk half as fast
    Look twice as much
    Wind in your face
    Expect the unexpected
    Dead on. I'd go breathe with your mouth open..

  10. #10
    Member silentscope's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
    What time of day are you hunting? You may spook them out of bed if you are in the middle of the day. Early morning before it gets hot or evening is a good time to catch them in the feeding/drinking areas.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    Appreciate the advice given by all of you.

    Sounds like I just need to keep at it, I've only just managed to get my head torch replaced today so I've been hunting until 730ish and then walking out but this weekend I'll head in overnight and catch the late evening and early morning
    I'm thinking camp out in a promising spot I know down in the gully, seems to be a couple good clearings next to the river I'm thinking I might catch them at. Tons of sign in that area

    And yeah I mean stags & hinds sorry, I really just want to get some meat so I don't care for either or as long as I can eat it. I'm completely new to deer hunting and everything about it so I'll probably get some stuff wrong

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by choppypython View Post
    Appreciate the advice given by all of you.

    Sounds like I just need to keep at it, I've only just managed to get my head torch replaced today so I've been hunting until 730ish and then walking out but this weekend I'll head in overnight and catch the late evening and early morning
    I'm thinking camp out in a promising spot I know down in the gully, seems to be a couple good clearings next to the river I'm thinking I might catch them at. Tons of sign in that area

    And yeah I mean stags & hinds sorry, I really just want to get some meat so I don't care for either or as long as I can eat it. I'm completely new to deer hunting and everything about it so I'll probably get some stuff wrong
    youll def get some stuff wrong, you always will.just stay at it experience is the best teacher and you'll start picking up moves along the way, if you stick at it and when that penny drops and your taking deer regularly its one of the most rewarding things.
    Bent Barrel and choppypython like this.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    North Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by choppypython View Post
    Appreciate the advice given by all of you.

    Sounds like I just need to keep at it, I've only just managed to get my head torch replaced today so I've been hunting until 730ish and then walking out but this weekend I'll head in overnight and catch the late evening and early morning
    I'm thinking camp out in a promising spot I know down in the gully, seems to be a couple good clearings next to the river I'm thinking I might catch them at. Tons of sign in that area

    And yeah I mean stags & hinds sorry, I really just want to get some meat so I don't care for either or as long as I can eat it. I'm completely new to deer hunting and everything about it so I'll probably get some stuff wrong

    Take care not to camp too close to your SpotX, you’ll scent up the area…humans stink
    Eat Meater and choppypython like this.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Ya gotta head out before it’s light (lazy hunters don’t get the deer) get in a downwind position of where they are and wait for it to get light, if none appear cover some ground, always hunt into wind, do the same at night don’t leave before it’s dark, prime time(as the light changes) is you best bet, be patient, invest in good gear, invest in an accurate rifle do plenty of range time in a variety of positions, make sure you have a quality scope (Swaro, leupold ect), get someone that knows what they are doing to check your scope screws and alignment, be persistant, stay motivated! I’ve been where you are keep plugging, hunt the roar hard you’ll find them then!
    Moa Hunter and choppypython like this.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by Bent Barrel View Post
    Take care not to camp too close to your SpotX, you’ll scent up the area…humans stink
    Yep I was thinking of camping out maybe half a k or so away from the spot



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