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Thread: Another good opportunity to bait the anti brigade !

  1. #1
    Member jord's Avatar
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    Oct 2013

    Another good opportunity to bait the anti brigade !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa
    Little bev has a real turn of sensational speech.

  3. #3
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    The perception of these people who believe that animals "suffer" is completely wrong in my opinion but that said, for many their perception has become reality and the hunting fraternity is the one that then suffers from onslaughts such as this article.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa
    Letters to The Editor

    Dear Sir,

    You should know who JG Ferguson is.

    "If it is not factually correct, it will not be taken seriously by those who spot its errors. If it is not grammatically correct, it will not be understood. If it is not appropriate for its audience, it will be utterly useless." - JG Ferguson

    An article about Mark Gunton in your paper refers.

    When compared to the three criteria of factual correctness, grammatical correctness and appropriateness, the article fails on the first two. This leaves only the third and the article somewhat typecasts itself, together with your paper. You would need to fix this or accept the position.

    Factual Correctness:

    "The beast's tusks are blood-spattered" - What the writer assumes as blood, is staining from old age. Any person who has the remotest knowledge of old elephants, knows this.

    "its face contorted into a gruesome death mask." - In death, initially, all muscles relax completely. The photo is what a dead elephant looks like from that angle. It does not matter whether it dies from disease, hunger, thirst, being eaten alive by lion, shot by a poacher, shot by a Parks officer or being shot by a hunter.

    "and boasted of stalking and killing it" - I have read her report of this and see no boasting, just factual reporting for those who are interested. Those who wish to raise sensation, may twist the truth somewhat but that is for you to decide.

    "A petition has been started" - And it went nowhere. Why are you reporting this in such a one sided manner? Is it to whip up emotion amongst the uninformed?

    "King Juan Carlos of Spain was removed as honorary president of the World Wildlife Fund" - 'which he helped to found in Spain in 1968.' For the sake of brevity the writer would not mention this, of course. The way it is put in this report carries more sensation.

    "campaigns for an end to trophy-hunting, said it was wrong for hunters like Gunton to glorify animals' suffering." - There are two mistakes here. Firstly, it is not wrong. It is not what the Fund wants but it is not wrong. (Unless sensation is the real reason for mentioning this.) Secondly, this elephant did not suffer. Suffer is when it dies of thirst or hunger or when poachers or other animals rip out what they can, even while the animal is still alive.

    It is also clear that Rebekka Thompson has her facts completely distorted. She should verify circumstances instead of jumping on every publicity bandwagon that rolls past. Of course her bandwagons would be drawn by humans. The way your writer reports on her, it is better, in her point of view, that humans suffer rather than animals.

    Grammatical Correctness:
    "the corpse of a fallen African elephant." - The correct word is 'carcass', 'corpse' refers to a human.

    "further post-slaughter poses" - Slaughter is incorrectly used, unless the writer intends to cause sensation. Slaughter - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Fire the writer and your proof reader if sensation was not the intention.

    "the body of a Nile crocodile" - 'Body' refers to a dead human and not to an animal. See 'Carcass'.

    "slain crocodile" - There is a pattern emerging here. In this context, slay is intended to sensationalise.

    Kindly confirm whether this article was simply to add sensation and emotion or whether it was intended to be factual and serious. I have formed an opinion about The New Zealand Herald and it may be confirmed or changed.


    Gerard Schultz

    GS CUSTOM USA - More Accurate, More Consistent, Most Reliable

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Godzone, South Island
    What a load of fucking crap, another good reason not to read a newspaper! Well written Doug, I dont expect you to get a reply from those dimwitted bastards.
    jord likes this.

  6. #6
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    Of course its only news because its a 'rich-lister'... anyone else getting overtones of petty jealousy from that reporter?

  7. #7
    Member kimjon's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Great reply to the NZ herald by Gerard Schultz - but its such a shame that the damage of the original article would have been done, and no after thought letter will ever undo it.

    Still; I'm impressed by the reply, its the best I've ever read in regards to this type of thing.

    Toby likes this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Do these anti-hunter realize that without paying elephant hunters there would be no incentive to keep them alive, i.e. protect them from poachers and simple eradication in favour of crops? Aside from paying hunters, rangers have to cull surplus elephants in areas where they are not being decimated by poachers. In game parks where hunting is not permitted and elephants are protected from poachers their numbers have to be managed and this is done by culling. It has been found that the most humane way to cull elephant is to wipe out the entire family herd! It's either that or they destroy there own environment and die out anyway, taking the whole echo system with them. That situation comes about due to the huge human population, restricting their wide range roaming and loss of habitat.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    My blood boils at some of the ignorance and at the way hunters get painted with a bad brush through misinformation and sensationalist media.
    Yeah nah bro

    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Doug View Post
    Letters to The Editor

    Dear Sir,

    You should know who JG Ferguson is.

    "If it is not factually correct, it will not be taken seriously by those who spot its errors. If it is not grammatically correct, it will not be understood. If it is not appropriate for its audience, it will be utterly useless." - JG Ferguson

    An article about Mark Gunton in your paper refers.

    When compared to the three criteria of factual correctness, grammatical correctness and appropriateness, the article fails on the first two. This leaves only the third and the article somewhat typecasts itself, together with your paper. You would need to fix this or accept the position.

    Factual Correctness:

    "The beast's tusks are blood-spattered" - What the writer assumes as blood, is staining from old age. Any person who has the remotest knowledge of old elephants, knows this.

    "its face contorted into a gruesome death mask." - In death, initially, all muscles relax completely. The photo is what a dead elephant looks like from that angle. It does not matter whether it dies from disease, hunger, thirst, being eaten alive by lion, shot by a poacher, shot by a Parks officer or being shot by a hunter.

    "and boasted of stalking and killing it" - I have read her report of this and see no boasting, just factual reporting for those who are interested. Those who wish to raise sensation, may twist the truth somewhat but that is for you to decide.

    "A petition has been started" - And it went nowhere. Why are you reporting this in such a one sided manner? Is it to whip up emotion amongst the uninformed?

    "King Juan Carlos of Spain was removed as honorary president of the World Wildlife Fund" - 'which he helped to found in Spain in 1968.' For the sake of brevity the writer would not mention this, of course. The way it is put in this report carries more sensation.

    "campaigns for an end to trophy-hunting, said it was wrong for hunters like Gunton to glorify animals' suffering." - There are two mistakes here. Firstly, it is not wrong. It is not what the Fund wants but it is not wrong. (Unless sensation is the real reason for mentioning this.) Secondly, this elephant did not suffer. Suffer is when it dies of thirst or hunger or when poachers or other animals rip out what they can, even while the animal is still alive.

    It is also clear that Rebekka Thompson has her facts completely distorted. She should verify circumstances instead of jumping on every publicity bandwagon that rolls past. Of course her bandwagons would be drawn by humans. The way your writer reports on her, it is better, in her point of view, that humans suffer rather than animals.

    Grammatical Correctness:
    "the corpse of a fallen African elephant." - The correct word is 'carcass', 'corpse' refers to a human.

    "further post-slaughter poses" - Slaughter is incorrectly used, unless the writer intends to cause sensation. Slaughter - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Fire the writer and your proof reader if sensation was not the intention.

    "the body of a Nile crocodile" - 'Body' refers to a dead human and not to an animal. See 'Carcass'.

    "slain crocodile" - There is a pattern emerging here. In this context, slay is intended to sensationalise.

    Kindly confirm whether this article was simply to add sensation and emotion or whether it was intended to be factual and serious. I have formed an opinion about The New Zealand Herald and it may be confirmed or changed.


    Gerard Schultz

    GS CUSTOM USA - More Accurate, More Consistent, Most Reliable
    Great letter to the editor that. No stooping to the level of the journalist, just relevant and sound arguments.
    Ryan and jord like this.
    Yeah nah bro

    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt.

  11. #11
    Member jord's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Doug View Post
    Letters to The Editor

    Dear Sir,

    You should know who JG Ferguson is.

    "If it is not factually correct, it will not be taken seriously by those who spot its errors. If it is not grammatically correct, it will not be understood. If it is not appropriate for its audience, it will be utterly useless." - JG Ferguson

    An article about Mark Gunton in your paper refers.

    When compared to the three criteria of factual correctness, grammatical correctness and appropriateness, the article fails on the first two. This leaves only the third and the article somewhat typecasts itself, together with your paper. You would need to fix this or accept the position.

    Factual Correctness:

    "The beast's tusks are blood-spattered" - What the writer assumes as blood, is staining from old age. Any person who has the remotest knowledge of old elephants, knows this.

    "its face contorted into a gruesome death mask." - In death, initially, all muscles relax completely. The photo is what a dead elephant looks like from that angle. It does not matter whether it dies from disease, hunger, thirst, being eaten alive by lion, shot by a poacher, shot by a Parks officer or being shot by a hunter.

    "and boasted of stalking and killing it" - I have read her report of this and see no boasting, just factual reporting for those who are interested. Those who wish to raise sensation, may twist the truth somewhat but that is for you to decide.

    "A petition has been started" - And it went nowhere. Why are you reporting this in such a one sided manner? Is it to whip up emotion amongst the uninformed?

    "King Juan Carlos of Spain was removed as honorary president of the World Wildlife Fund" - 'which he helped to found in Spain in 1968.' For the sake of brevity the writer would not mention this, of course. The way it is put in this report carries more sensation.

    "campaigns for an end to trophy-hunting, said it was wrong for hunters like Gunton to glorify animals' suffering." - There are two mistakes here. Firstly, it is not wrong. It is not what the Fund wants but it is not wrong. (Unless sensation is the real reason for mentioning this.) Secondly, this elephant did not suffer. Suffer is when it dies of thirst or hunger or when poachers or other animals rip out what they can, even while the animal is still alive.

    It is also clear that Rebekka Thompson has her facts completely distorted. She should verify circumstances instead of jumping on every publicity bandwagon that rolls past. Of course her bandwagons would be drawn by humans. The way your writer reports on her, it is better, in her point of view, that humans suffer rather than animals.

    Grammatical Correctness:
    "the corpse of a fallen African elephant." - The correct word is 'carcass', 'corpse' refers to a human.

    "further post-slaughter poses" - Slaughter is incorrectly used, unless the writer intends to cause sensation. Slaughter - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Fire the writer and your proof reader if sensation was not the intention.

    "the body of a Nile crocodile" - 'Body' refers to a dead human and not to an animal. See 'Carcass'.

    "slain crocodile" - There is a pattern emerging here. In this context, slay is intended to sensationalise.

    Kindly confirm whether this article was simply to add sensation and emotion or whether it was intended to be factual and serious. I have formed an opinion about The New Zealand Herald and it may be confirmed or changed.


    Gerard Schultz

    GS CUSTOM USA - More Accurate, More Consistent, Most Reliable


    Can't wait for reply.

  12. #12
    Tread carefully in the suck... ishoot10s's Avatar
    Join Date
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    NW of the true capital...
    Kerre Woodhams pinko lefty firearms ignorance shines through in this rant about Bachmans lion. Kerre McIvor: Shooter of farmed wildlife fails sporting test - National - NZ Herald News

    Apparently even bolt action hunting rifles are "assault rifles" now...
    10MRT shooters do it 60 times, in two directions and at two speeds.

  13. #13
    Gone But Not Forgotten Toby's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    Wouldn't you like to know
    Retarded as hell. That shouldn't of been posted up, the whole write up was bullshit.

  14. #14
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Silly woman wouldn't know her arse from her elbow
    jord and Dynastar27 like this.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Concerned (Comments Section)
    Kerre, Could you please check your facts. She is not pictured with an assault rifle. I dont agree with killing things your not going to eat but get extremely tired on the media's hysteria anytime firearms are mentioned.
    That received a thumbs-up from me. I'm also getting sick of the "high-powered rifle" cliche...



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