Dannevirke has some of the best DOc access and hunting that I know of.
1) Drive to a Ruahine DOC car park at the end of the road
2) walk up the creek for 1.5 hours
3) Turn right (or left) at the base of a decent ridge or spur.
4) Climb for 30 minutes.
5) Sit and glass across the gully below you.
6) Walk another 15 mins uphill (sorry its uphill)
7) Repeat
8) Hit the main east/west ridge.
9) Up hill again following the main ridge until you find a spur to go back down again (heading for the creek you climbed out of originally)
10) Repeat the stopping and glassing
11) When you hit the creek, go down stream. This will take you back to the car park
12) You may, or may not, be carrying a deer.
13) This routine does not involve tame (or wild) farmers.