has anyone hunted with a 30-30. hear they make a good bush gun?
has anyone hunted with a 30-30. hear they make a good bush gun?
Been there, done that - fail! Unless you're a dedicated pig hunter I wouldn't bother.
never used one myslef but kinda seems like it has no advantages but lots of disadvantages when compared to other bush calibres like 308...
Much like the 22hornet vs 223 imo
I think you are being a bit harsh on the old "thutty thutty!"
They are great bush rifles, you just have to accept them for what they are, normally iron sighted so max probably 150m (depending on how good you are with irons), they are light short handy rifles with plenty of punch for most of our NZ game, however they will never be the 7mm super turbo ninja magnum with a 1-56x60 scope on it that is normally recommended as a bush rifle on forums!![]()
"Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."
I like the sound of the 7mm stnm. Whats it pushing the 162s? who has a reamer for it? I have a win mod 94 trapper 30/30 with iron sights. never hunted with it but i could probably kill something out to 100m. It does all its work at 10m on sick cows. One day im going to leave my ninja magnum at home and take my 30/30 casing tahr![]()
"Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."
i use 7.62x39 in the bush, which has ballistics very similar to the 30 30. put a reflex dot sight on if you dont like the iron sights. as long as you use these calibres as they were intended (up to 150) they are great bush guns in my opinion.
Hey diddle diddle, aim for the middle.
From what I understand , at one stage the 3030 had taken more deer in the US than any other calibre (possibly all calibres put together ) and will continue too do sofor many years too come.
The problem today is there are too many shooters out there and not so many hunters .
The 94 is a handy little repeater , light ,fast and accurate and a fantastic little bush gun in the hands of a HUNTER .
Sold mine cause it was gutless compared too a 6.5 swede.
Bought a rossi 92 in 357mag too use in the bush , but still got the sweed for now.
I've personally owned (and hunted with all of them) the following lever actions:
Marlin 30/30
Ruger .22magnum
Winchester 94 30/30
Winchester 92 44/40
Winchester 94 .22lr
Winchester trapper 94 30/30
Marlin 44mag
Rossi (blued) 44mag
Rossi (SS) 44mag
Rossi (SS) .38/357
All were ''fun'' to use, but it was just a phase I went through. I would have shot a hundred or so deer/pigs between all those lever actions and the .38spl Rossi had well over 2000 goats to its name....but I now look back and laugh at myself for holding onto the those rifles for so long. The day I sold them all and went back to using a suppressed bolt action for general hunting was ''a moment of clarity'' and I've never looked back.
Kimjon , did you ever shoot deer with the 357 ?
Hi Guys, it`s the same old story, what you have got is what you use for your type of hunting. I started with the old 303 , then moved up to a P/Hale standed in .308 for bush hunting and most shots are under 50 m. But I`m a lefty, with the right hand bolt I had to make the first shot count, nothing wrong with with the two of them. Have got a Marlin lever in .3030, 16" barrel with a 3x scope and it is very accurate and in the bush it is a great little gun , my first shot at a sika hind for meat , got her and a small spotty, the bullet had gone right through her and hit the spotty as well, I call it "Sudden Death" Ceers,Home brew.357.
I believe Carlson, who is a member here has done considerable hunting with a 30 30, it maybe worth giving him a pm if you are after some info.
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