Well had the Sako 9.3 at the range last night, like it a lot, but had quite a bit of trouble, getting consistency, with heavy hand loads,
guess the old type Sako ring mounts, couldn't take the recoil, and scope flew off,

was starting to really wonder, as getting a vertical spread of 300mm, 2-3 shots in same place, and adjust a few clicks, and it would move 100-150 mm up or down, oh well, sore shoulder for nought, 30 plus shots, but did check speeds on hand loads.
64gr Blc with 270gr Speer, Lapua brass, CCI200, gives 2515fps, pretty good, for a 20" tube. and plenty enough recoil for me.
62gr CFE.223, Norma brass, CCI200, 250g Accubond gives me 2510fps , scope flew off at this point, still got 63 and 64gr to try,
61gr was 2455fps, 250 AB,
Anyone tried the 232gr Norma in there 9.3x62, or other lightweight bullet, I see Trade-X up here has 5 boxes, each of Valcan, and oryx 232gr.