I've got a Mauser Model B Sporting rifle in 9.3x62, mine came from Rhodesia via a ex pat who was forced off the family farm. It had been in the family since the 1930's and although they had other rifles he recalled it had been taken on several long hunts (6 weeks to 3 months) by his father, who shot mostly buffalo and crocs. At some time the bolt had been replaced (with a factory Obendorf sporting bolt - how the hell did they get that), apparently there was a house fire and the rifles were saved but not the bolts. It c ame with some original ammo, including some 300 grain solids - not much call for them in Southland !!
I have shot mine a bit, despite only being 7 lbs 3 oz its nice to use. I haven't hunted with it yet but will take it out sometime after Tahr or maybe after a red Stag in the bush (we have a Haast block this year - hmmm). It has tangent sights and I need to shoot it a bit to get comfortable enough to hit things beyond 100 yards !