A couple of Stinkies today with the 9.3 & 270s going a lazy 2150 fps :)
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A couple of Stinkies today with the 9.3 & 270s going a lazy 2150 fps :)
Greg you can’t flip it over and claim it as two goats!
Took a couple of mates from work out for a hunt last Wednesday, they've both had quite a bit of experience with firearms through work but, had never hunted. I took the Tikka .270 and the Browning 9.3x62, both agreed the 9.3 was the favourite as when it hit something it never moved from where it was shot.
Attachment 113949
I am about to try 250g balistic tips and woodleigh 250g pp out of my ZG47 9.3x62,
Also I am considering selling the Domoulin 9.3x62, can be seen earlier in this thread page 5 I think.
I noticed this old post and the interest in the 9.3x62. I have published a few Afrikaans journals on the 9.3x62 in South Africa and received great interest international. I decided to publish an English digital version which I worked on since I moved to NZ. This 400+ page book is a celebration of that grand old workhorse, the 9.3 X 62 Mauser that lasted in the hunting right into new millennium. I am proud to be counted amongst all the gentlemen who contributed to this book and bring it into existence, their experiences with 'nine-three' and their praises or criticisms to this great cartridge. It is available through
For those that hunt with the 9,3x62.... would a 6 - 6,5 lbs all up, be to light?