I have a Husqvarna mod 1600 9.3x62, a real beauty.Bought it about 4 years ago ,used it on a few deer and hundreds of bunnys. Seems to go ok on the bunnys :D
Only issue is im a leftie,and the cheek rest is set up for a rightie,and it knocks hell out of my cheek,I thought about altering the stock a bit and adding a cheek pad OR turning the stock into firewood and getting a new one made. Its currently a target stock,looks huge but is quite light,my 17hm heavy barreled savage weighs a ton more.I can happily tote it around all day.
Now my question is, does anyone have their 9.3 suppressed ? Mine seems to kill the deer by the noise alone.
Don't have any pics of it apart from these from when I bought it.
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