Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc
Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc
Greg you can’t flip it over and claim it as two goats!
More meplat, more better.
Took a couple of mates from work out for a hunt last Wednesday, they've both had quite a bit of experience with firearms through work but, had never hunted. I took the Tikka .270 and the Browning 9.3x62, both agreed the 9.3 was the favourite as when it hit something it never moved from where it was shot.
I am about to try 250g balistic tips and woodleigh 250g pp out of my ZG47 9.3x62,
Also I am considering selling the Domoulin 9.3x62, can be seen earlier in this thread page 5 I think.
I noticed this old post and the interest in the 9.3x62. I have published a few Afrikaans journals on the 9.3x62 in South Africa and received great interest international. I decided to publish an English digital version which I worked on since I moved to NZ. This 400+ page book is a celebration of that grand old workhorse, the 9.3 X 62 Mauser that lasted in the hunting right into new millennium. I am proud to be counted amongst all the gentlemen who contributed to this book and bring it into existence, their experiences with 'nine-three' and their praises or criticisms to this great cartridge. It is available through
For those that hunt with the 9,3x62.... would a 6 - 6,5 lbs all up, be to light?