So its the start of the year and everyone is starting to get “back into it” well especially for myself.
I have been “out of it” for the last 7 month due to overseas commitments. Whilst overseas all I could think about in my down time was getting “into it”, to supplement my lack of hunting I was watching a lot of YouTube hunting to get my fix. Im sure u almost clocked the NZ hunting YouTube scene. This was also feeding my online shopping problem, so safe to say when I arrived home mid Dec I had a fairly large pile of packages from various forum members, trade me and rivers to ranges. Once I had inspected all my packages I was quick to set up my new rife with the help of @shift14 installing my new scope and @Rushy for giving me a hand to zero my new setup.
It was new year well precisely the 2nd of Jan, I had a chance to get out for an afternoon hunt.
I decided on one of my old spots in the Ruahines that had proven quite productive in the afternoon. And that it did, I set up on and opposite slip with the wind heading up stream( perfect for this spot) I then only had to wait for half an hour and a young hind took a step out and at 230yds with the 7mm rem mag it didn’t stand much of a chance, I was stoked deer down and still 2 hours left of lite to walk out in. Freezer resupplied and the itch I had for 7 month scratched.
Cheers to the lads who gave me a hand getting this rifle set up and the guys on the forum I had brought kit off.
Since then 2 more deer (sika) have been taken with the rifle and I am very impressed.