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Thread: Bad feeling

  1. #31
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    You fellahs have gotta stop smoking the electric puha.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
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  2. #32
    Member kidmac42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    You fellahs have gotta stop smoking the electric puha.
    Nah mate, even I've had the sheenys a few times around the traps here in central. It's a very uncomfortable feeling when the hairs on the back of your neck start twangin away.
    Micky Duck and rewa like this.
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  3. #33
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    A while back I met this bloke and ended up taking him for a hunt to 1 of my handy bush stalking spots , if I went there 10 time’s I’d see deer probably 7 or maybe 8 time’s it was quite good for a quick stroll , anyway the guy as it turned was quite spiritual and started telling me a few story’s , we got to the ridge top & I said keep your eyes open as down below is where the deer bed up ...a short time later I hear a whisper ...I can see one he says ...I says shoot it ...he says noooo seemly there was a rather angry spirit just over yonder so naturally Me being me i asked exactly where so I changed course and ....got the fuck out of there !! , came out onto some clearings and seemly this spirit was stalking us so long story short missed out on a stag as I was thinking of hebi jebies I now call the space spook hill and as yet have not been back ...however I’m thinking I mite go check the place out again just as soon as I get my hands on a decent particle thrower & proton pack .
    ANOTHERHUNTER likes this.
    The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017

  4. #34
    this wasn't when hunting but some friends of mine used to stay in a house up north that was known for a lot of spiritual activity in the area.0ne night staying there for some reason i woke and could see a dark human shape coming up the stairs and into the room and it stood there not moving at the end of my bed. had a weird feeling about it as it moved quite smoothly and this place had creaky floors but there was no creaking that you would get if it was a person. i just thought it was my mates son coming into the room and getting some stuff as his bag was on the floor at the end of my bed. Next morning at breakfast i just asked the son if he got what he wanted and he could of turned the light on if he wanted... no-one was up in the house at that time then we realized we had had one of the many visits that was common for that area....this is just one of the experiences from that place...

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Juneau, Alaska
    How many bears would you like, we could make you a good deal from Alaska. Black, brown, or white? It is interesting to wake up to see them looking in our windows or on our porch. Perhaps a few wolves for no extra charge?

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    North Loburn
    Quote Originally Posted by I_does_english View Post
    My uncle told me a story a couple years back he was pig hunting with a mate (not too sure where) and the dogs took off and started bailing so they ran over... Busted out into the middle of this clearing and the dogs were in a circle bailing hard out. And inside the circle of dogs?... Nothing. The dogs were going hard, barking and snapping but there was nothing there. They got out of there pretty quick haha
    Just the one & only time something seemed outta sorts for me in the scrub.While shooting for the Forest Service in the Maungapurua Valley (Bridge To Nowhere) I was heading up valley alone for the first time on the block & when approaching the remains of the derillict Bjensimen homestead my experienced dogs shot off in front of me and had a full on bail up with a big knarly ol man Pine tree.But no tail to be had.Just thin air.Had a strange sensation breifly @ the bail up.Strangely enough when mentioning it latter on to my on the job culling mate, he said his experienced dogs did exactly the same thing when they approached the ruins for the first time some time earlier.To the best of my knowledge none of the returned servicemen Bjensimen family settlers past away on that site.Go figure
    Micky Duck and rewa like this.

  7. #37
    Member scotty's Avatar
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    not really scary shit in the bush but.... i seem to have really vivid dreams now and then some of which have come about after i have forgotten about them, so i now make it a habit of writing them down or telling people for my own sanity if i do get that de ja vu feeling. ........the most recent two were winning $10 mill on lotto including the circumstances around how i bought the ticket where i bought the ticket and the conversation that ensued at the shop when i went to claim the prize.......and the other was a news broadcast about a magnitude 8 earthquake in the vacinity of mt dunstan , now i had never heard of mt dunstan before so dont know where my subconcious would get that from searched it on the maps apparently theres 2 , 1 in the tararuas and one in the southern alps? ......watch this space i guess

  8. #38
    i get the dream thing quite a lot slowly getting the hang of how it works for me didn't really look into it to much until the dream about my grandfather dieing that dream was so realistic shook me a bit when it started playing out exactly as per the dream..

  9. #39
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluebaiter222 View Post
    Just the one & only time something seemed outta sorts for me in the scrub.While shooting for the Forest Service in the Maungapurua Valley (Bridge To Nowhere) I was heading up valley alone for the first time on the block & when approaching the remains of the derillict Bjensimen homestead my experienced dogs shot off in front of me and had a full on bail up with a big knarly ol man Pine tree.But no tail to be had.Just thin air.Had a strange sensation breifly @ the bail up.Strangely enough when mentioning it latter on to my on the job culling mate, he said his experienced dogs did exactly the same thing when they approached the ruins for the first time some time earlier.To the best of my knowledge none of the returned servicemen Bjensimen family settlers past away on that site.Go figure
    not too far away from there..in another valley slightly further downstream....friends of family were bored and started looking atthe old newspapers lining walls and laying around...article on burial grounds was found...and being young dumb and full of #%* they went for a look.....on way out driving ute across maunganui-o-te-ua river a flash flood came down,caught them midstream and they spent time sitting on roof of swamped vechile before river went down and they got out on foot ....coincidence??? maybe not.
    Dad tipped old concrete fireplace over with bulldozer and ALL our stock dogs went apeshit,,,,turns out child had died in accident in the fire many years before
    weird feelings,yeah had them a few times over the years...the foul black mood when out hunting.....I called on help from higher power and shook it off... it was like something just didnt want me to see the joy in the world....said prayer etc etc and the world suddenly looked a brighter place.... had that happen more than once over the years.
    GSP HUNTER likes this.

  10. #40
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    Parts of your story MD remind me of when I was a young fella, about 13-14 from memory and I had a bit of a "forbidden love" with one of the local shepherds daughter. One stage I pushed my old xr200 couple hundred metres down the road in the middle of the night then fired it up once I was out of earshot of our place and hooned the 10 or so kms around to their farm and stopped a few hundred metres away and stashed my bike in the bushes on the side of the road and waited for her to rendezvous.
    The first time we did this I was waiting for her to show up and then I heard her dad's dogs start up, being a shepherd he had probably 9 or 10 of them and they were all in a dog motel under these big pines along her driveway, I could see from my vantage point up the road a light come up her driveway and drive around a bit and she never showed up. Spoke to her the next day and her old man had heard the dogs going off when she tried to walk past them and came out for a look around so she chickened out and snuck back to bed again.
    The second time we tried this however I decided that me old mum had been trying to put the good word of the Lord into me for a long enough that it wouldn't hurt to say a little prayer and ask the big fella to shut the dogs up. It seemed to work and I was bloody convinced the fella upstairs must have helped me out. Tried praying for all sorts of stuff after that and didn't seem to work anymore though haha
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  11. #41
    Member doinit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HILLBILLYHUNTERS View Post
    You will learn no harm in the hills lad
    No harm in the hills lol.. weird events? oh yeah.
    I had a couple during several years of so called shootin for a crust type of work. Something I will never ever forget. Scary enough for sure,stunned ? most definitely. And for obvious reasons I most certainly wont be spouting about what on here.But I will say this...there are things out there that are truly beyond belief,things that can leave you totally speechless. I spent a full week at the hut after the first event and didn't leave it.
    Micky Duck and rewa like this.

  12. #42
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    On one side of the Copeland years ago by myself and heading back to the hut when I got this almost panic attack type chilly feeling. a feeling that I was alone/abandoned and that I just HAD to get back across the river, did that and the feeling went away.

    I am used to being alone and frequently hunt alone so I’ve no idea what prompted the above, never happened before or since, eerie...
    Micky Duck likes this.
    ‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’

  13. #43
    Member odds0und's Avatar
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    A spot my brother and I frequent in the north Tararua's quite a lot.

    Every time I go there I always get the same weird, ominous feeling. Something about the place just seems really off and I always get the sense I am being watched (even though I know there is no-one around for miles). Talked to the bro about it and he said he gets the same feeling. Never managed to spend more than one night in the place, always pack for a few and end up bailing after one. Dog gets weirded out as well, always has her heckles up and seems on edge.

    Plenty of deer in there though so I keep going back.. lol.
    Micky Duck and rewa like this.
    "A peculiar virtue in wildlife ethics is that the hunter ordinarily has no gallery to applaud or disapprove of his conduct. Whatever his acts, they are dictated by his conscience, rather than by a mob of onlookers. It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of this fact " - Aldo Leopold

  14. #44
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    Yep on Ruapehu.

    Was hunting one day and pushed into this little clearing in some tight stuff. Felt like I was being watched, all of my hair stood up and I could smell something burning or cooking. Hard to explain exactly but it was like there was nothing else in the world but that smell.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by hebe View Post
    Yep on Ruapehu.

    Was hunting one day and pushed into this little clearing in some tight stuff. Felt like I was being watched, all of my hair stood up and I could smell something burning or cooking. Hard to explain exactly but it was like there was nothing else in the world but that smell.
    Google "Fire and brimstone" for an explanation



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