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Thread: Bad feeling

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    A month or so back I went for a drive up the leatham, my plan was to stay in the hut at the end of the road, due to many others having the same idea as me I decided to camp out by the river between Spaniard flat and barbers hut. Found a nice spot to set up the swag and cook over the fire, while sitting I front of the fire having a beer or 4 I couldn't shake the feeling I was being watched, multiple checks with the tourch showed nothing. Stooked up the fire and called it a night. 3 hrs later at about 1am I was woken by an ear piercing, unexplainable scream/growl that echoed through the valley. Didnt get back to sleep after that, I lay frozen in my swag listening to something move around in the bush. Not a pleasant experience thats for sure

    And about 8 years ago I was hunting in the tararuas around cone hut and stumbled apon a cleared rock path leading to an archway into a small clearing and right in the middle was a teepee made from sticks with all sorts of artifacts hanging all over it. Everything went quite , the hairs on my neck stood up and it got cold. I tighted the grip on th 708 and got the fuck out there real quick.

  2. #77
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    Mar 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Mohawk .308 View Post
    Probably done by some students on a school trip. No doubt they were saying this will freak anyone out that stumbles on this...
    Was my thoughts until I remembered I was 3kms away from the nearest hut or track.

  3. #78
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    Jul 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt.L View Post
    A month or so back I went for a drive up the leatham, my plan was to stay in the hut at the end of the road, due to many others having the same idea as me I decided to camp out by the river between Spaniard flat and barbers hut. Found a nice spot to set up the swag and cook over the fire, while sitting I front of the fire having a beer or 4 I couldn't shake the feeling I was being watched, multiple checks with the tourch showed nothing. Stooked up the fire and called it a night. 3 hrs later at about 1am I was woken by an ear piercing, unexplainable scream/growl that echoed through the valley. Didnt get back to sleep after that, I lay frozen in my swag listening to something move around in the bush. Not a pleasant experience thats for sure

    And about 8 years ago I was hunting in the tararuas around cone hut and stumbled apon a cleared rock path leading to an archway into a small clearing and right in the middle was a teepee made from sticks with all sorts of artifacts hanging all over it. Everything went quite , the hairs on my neck stood up and it got cold. I tighted the grip on th 708 and got the fuck out there real quick.
    Uummmm..... It was on the side of the hill up leatham around that area I had my 'bad feeling'.....
    Micky Duck and Matt.L like this.
    born to hunt - forced to work

  4. #79
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    Jul 2020
    Part 3 .... Day 2

    So we get back from the pub about 4am and decide to set up the video camera . There's two sofas in the lounge. Walk in the ranch slider and 1 sofa is directly in front against the wall , one to the right looking down the length of the lounge, towards the fridge and doorway to the hall to the left along with a table and kitchen towards the back . So we set the camera up on a tripod in front of the sofa facing the table and fridge but can't quite see into kitchen because that was around the corner in the short side of the L shape mentioned before .
    So we are half pissed , joking around and yelling and antagonizing the 'ghost' , because naturally me and the other mate still thought it was BS .
    So we finally drift off to sleep ....
    We wake up and decided to check out the video taken while we slept , my mate in his bedroom and me and the other mate on the sofa beside the camera .
    Well.... We start watching and at first didn't really see much , then we started noticing things , like tiny lights , floating around . Now by this stage the sun is coming up , you can hear birds and one of us snoring on the sofa and heavy breathing .
    And other strange sounds we couldn't figure , like soft bumps and scrapes that could have been us but didn't sound right .
    Then we saw it..... materialize .....
    Sitting on the table was what can only be described as an amorphous blob . It was like a smuge . An out of focus , greyish see-through pulsating ball .
    It wobbled around on the table then bounced off , the only way to explain it , and then slow bounced and floated across the floor in slow motion , turned and went up the hallway towards the bedroom , with these wee floating lights coming down out of the hole in the ceiling . In daylight . Birds chirping .
    Us snoring on sofa 15 feet away .
    I can't tell you how many times we watched that that morning , trying to figure out what the heck it all was . But I was starting to believe .

    Then we made a foolish decision ...

    We were going into the attic through the hole in the ceiling ....

    To be continued.....
    Last edited by Ftx325; 26-05-2021 at 10:30 PM.
    Ryan_Songhurst, MB and norsk like this.
    born to hunt - forced to work

  5. #80
    not saying that's what was on your film or no disrespect if your taking the piss but those balls of light are known as orbs I have various photos of them in different places where I've taken photos over the years not knowing they are there until you see the pic. My mum had a photo of her mother and father on their wedding day sitting on her coffee table the last time i went over there I picked it up and had a look at it and noticed faintly in the background there was a man and lady behind them you could barley see it and no one had noticed it before until i pointed it out. It turns out its her mothers mother and father who were already dead took my mum by surprise as she's a Christian lady and doesn't believe in than kind of stuff but had no way of explaining that one
    Micky Duck likes this.

  6. #81
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    I assure you @northdude , I am definitely NOT taking the piss . My entire family have seen the tape and not a single part of this story is a lie . We even approached the TV stations with our footage and they were keen to air it but couldn't without permission of the land owner but we couldn't find out how to contact them .
    I have since seen a video taken of virtually exactly the same thing , in Ozzy , as I will tell about in the next part , and they claimed it was the best footage ever taken . They would have wet themselves if they saw what we got on tape in the attic . I Know we did.....
    HOO likes this.
    born to hunt - forced to work

  7. #82
    ok cool this shit really does happen its sometimes hard to tell on the internet without seeing body language etc. Ive got a few more as well...

  8. #83
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    Feb 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Ftx325 View Post
    I assure you @northdude , I am definitely NOT taking the piss . My entire family have seen the tape and not a single part of this story is a lie . We even approached the TV stations with our footage and they were keen to air it but couldn't without permission of the land owner but we couldn't find out how to contact them .
    I have since seen a video taken of virtually exactly the same thing , in Ozzy , as I will tell about in the next part , and they claimed it was the best footage ever taken . They would have wet themselves if they saw what we got on tape in the attic . I Know we did.....
    Let's hear the next part please!

  9. #84
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    Jul 2020
    Part 4 ..... The attic

    So we get the great idea of climbing into the roof . My mate gets a step ladder and puts it under the hole in the ceiling where the panel came down . This was apparently the original place where the attic access was as the panel from the original ceiling is already missing . Why they had boarded over it with the new lower ceiling I don't know . So my mate refuses to go up first , so our other mate who supplied the camera mans up (let's call him B) and goes up the ladder .
    He is just about to poke his head through the hole and an electrical wire , a white lighting type wire , falls down through the hole .... And no shit , it is tied of in a loop , the shape of a noose ....
    Well B leaps/ falls off the ladder and we all take a step back , not knowing what the hell to make of this development .
    After lots of giving B shit about how he is obviously going to be the next victim of the house and manly tough talking ( we were all shitting ourselves by this point ) and convincing ourselves we are way to paranoid we start arguing about who's going up first again .
    So this time I go up .
    My first thought as I went up the through the hole was the cat running around . All the original high ceilings were still there as were the walls seperating each room , with around a foot or more of space between the two ceilings . So how can a cat run around on the ceiling with the walls seperating each section....? It would have to literally pass through the walls.....
    I didn't dwell on it at the time but pointed this out to my mate ....

    Last edited by Ftx325; 27-05-2021 at 11:57 AM.
    born to hunt - forced to work

  10. #85
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    Jul 2020
    The attic .....

    So they pass up a torch and I have a quick nosey , all clear , and climb into the attic/roofspace . They pass up the video camera and still camera and both come up . By now the hair is starting to stand up on my neck but tell myself it's just my imagination going wild . It is also surprisingly cold for what should be the warmest part of the house , particularly as it was mid afternoon .
    So my mate refuses to take anything except the torch , B takes the still camera and I am armed with the video camera .
    So we start moving around filming as we go , and we all start freaking out , but don't know why . Nothing to see except what you would expect , just an empty roof with insulation and wiring .
    Then there's a thump and B starts yelling Fuck fuck fuck . So mate shines the torch on him and he is freaking out big-time !
    "Something just ripped the fucking camera out of my hands!!" The thump was the camera hitting the floor/ ceiling panels about five feet behind him in the corner.....
    He's down the ladder in record time , and my mate retrieves the camera and we both bail as fast as possible as well...... Absolutely crapping ourselves!
    born to hunt - forced to work

  11. #86
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    The attic footage ....

    So we all hot foot it outside and proceed to smoke ourselves silly on cigarettes trying to settle our nerves . When we finally calm down we check the camera footage ....
    So we ended up with only around five minutes of tape from the attic , as we had run away screaming .... But that was enough...
    The tape shows us clombing around , and the torch beam is an unmistakable dim yellow colour as the old bulb torches used to be , and you can see it shining around the space .
    And then something else is floating/flying around with us , distinctly nothing to do with the torch or reflections etc .
    It was a bright green hazy ball , I hate to say it but a tennis ball is the closest thing to compare it too , but not solid , and it was surrounded by a white mist would be the best way to describe it .
    Now let me clarify that we saw nothing while we were up there . This was only visible on the tape .
    It was several times brighter than the torch light but didn't actually light anything up in the roof .
    And it was flying around us .....
    But the really strange thing , if things could get any stranger (!) , was the way it moved .
    It kinda elongated in the direction of travel to some extent and then the stretched bit caught up , like a cartoon , and when it flew around the mist trailed it like a comet tail , but when it stopped and just floated it was round and the mist surrounded it evenly . The ball at a guess was around 3-4 inches diameter with another couple of inches of the mist surrounding it .
    So we got around a minute or so of this ball flying/ floating around in and out of camera shot , because of course we couldn't see it so didn't know we were actually filming anything . And then it shoots past the camera and that's when B starts swearing and the still camera goes flying ....
    We are by this point true believers .
    B says fuck this , it doesn't like me , I'm fucking going home , and he leaves , along with the cameras .
    Against my better judgement , I promise to stay , I've still got two more days off work .

    To be continued....
    Last edited by Ftx325; 27-05-2021 at 12:45 PM.
    born to hunt - forced to work

  12. #87
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    @Ftx325 that wasnt the house up past the hospital (south end) over looking the airport? I grew up the grey valley and the one i was thinking about had lots of stories but didnt hear that one. wardrobes and doors would open on their own and someone was awake one night and saw the power light on the video camera up on top of the wardrobe come on. That sort of thing
    Not my experience but a co workers. Heard the story from someone else before i worked with him but obviously corroborated once we were working together.
    Guy starts work as a farm hand just out of Ikamatua. Missus was either pregnant or had a baby (too long ago to remember). Part of the job was cheap board in the old run down homestead. Anyhoo had a bull terrier that apart from the odd dog scrap was neither aggressive or frightened of anything.
    Not sure how long they were living there before it happened the first time, but the dog starts absolutely nutting out at something in the corner of the lounge. Nothing there not even a chair. Could not be calmed down. Fixated on the corner, barking whining growling, the whole nine yards.
    Wasnt really thinking anything other than the dog was being stupid but not happy so dragged it outside. Cant remember how long till the next occurrence, days weeks? Dog did it again. All the same and he was started to think he had to get rid of the dog as he wasnt trusting it around the missus.
    Fast forward to the ending.
    Found out later on that the old farmers wife had died of a brain hemorrhage or something in a chair in the corner of the lounge and that others living in that house had experienced weird things as well.
    Fast forward a few years the house was sold to a townie from away. Was going to do it all up etc. Something tells me some of the locals may have had a quiet chat with him at the pub about its legacy but was brushed off. Well he didnt do it up. House was bulldozed flat and goneski. Nothing built there for yonks. Only new house is a hundred or so meters away.
    Logic says not viable but superstition suggests otherwise

  13. #88
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    I didn't want to tell the story as I figured I would be labeled a nutter , and up until this happened I thought this sort of stuff was an interesting distraction but wouldn't have said I was a believer as such . But when it happens to you personally such as my story , which again is a true story of my personal experience , you become a believer pretty quickly ....
    I won't mention the exact address , but the house was in Blaketown. I have often considered going and seeing if the house is still there etc when we go to the street races but after what happened in the next few parts of my story decided it's probably not a good idea....
    Last edited by Ftx325; 27-05-2021 at 01:40 PM.
    born to hunt - forced to work

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Rural TeAwamutu
    Quote Originally Posted by Ftx325 View Post
    I didn't want to tell the story as I figured I would be labeled a nutter , and up until this happened I thought this sort of stuff was an interesting distraction but wouldn't have said I was a believer as such . But when it happens to you personally such as my story , which again is a true story of my personal experience , you become a believer pretty quickly ....
    I won't mention the exact address , but the house was in Blaketown. I have often considered going and seeing if the house is still there etc when we go to the street races but after what happened in the next few parts of my story decided it's probably not a good idea....
    Keep it coming. Bloody interesting this stuff. Missus has had a few ‘experiences’ happen to her. Not me at all. ....feel like I always miss out ....

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  15. #90
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    Part 5 .... The stories

    So after B leaves , after promising to transfer our footage on to a video tape - no digital toys back then , we don't want to be in the house so head back to the pub , and my mate tells me some more about what has been happening in the house .
    He told me about lights in the middle of the rooms that would flash for a second or two , and I don't mean house lights . They would be floating in the room and fully visible , but again wouldn't actually light up the room like a bulb . He had come to the conclusion that they light up in three different colours depending on the ' mood' of the .... Whatever it was....
    He said there were three colours , green , blue and red . Green and blue he reckoned meant 'it' was happy or even playful . Red - not a happy camper at all and that was when the really scary , violent things seemed to happen , like stuff falling , knives appearing , and banging noises . He had never mentioned these lights before as he didn't want to sound like a fruit loop but now I had seen for myself what was happening he started telling me more and more .
    He also had seen an actual figure .
    The TV was in the corner next to the table on the same wall as the ranch slider and he was watching tele one night sitting in the sofa facing the ranch slider .
    He noticed something out the corner of his eye and saw a guy standing outside in front of the ranch slider door . So he gets up to go answer the door , then realized the figure wasn't OUTSIDE , it was INSIDE .
    He could see the ranch slider and the reflections in the door so automatically thought the figure was on the other side of the slider and he could see it through the glass .
    He then realized that he WASN'T looking through the glass at the figure , he was LOOKING THROUGH THE FIGURE at the glass !
    Then the figure faded out....
    He couldn't remember details of what the figure looked like except it was a guy just standing there looking at him .
    Apparently after that is when he started sleeping with the axe and wedging the bedroom door closed .
    We finally got back to the house in the middle of the night and crashed out .
    No cameras from now on as they were gone .

    To be continued....
    viper likes this.
    born to hunt - forced to work



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