Alright I will second it depending on the conditions imposed on WARO and how you intend to enforce them? :D:thumbsup:
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I have a euro driving license as well as a Kiwi one, but have not paid taxes in uk in over ten years. I think I am right in saying that even if one has residency in NZ, it doesn't always follow that taxes are being paid in NZ.
There would be plenty of kiwi passport holders out there who haven't paid taxes in nz for years. Would they still qualify to go into the ballot as per "resident" ?
Nah., too hard to police it in my humble opinion.
I am sure there is a fairer way around the issue (I don't know what it is though), without having to get politicians and govt depts. involved too much.
The kiwi passport/driver licence/firearms licence would be close enough IMHO, not trying to stop illegal arms/child slavery here just give Kiwis first go at their own back yard.
Yes, but to gain a firearms licence you must have had to prove that you physically resided here within the previous 10 years, which is better than nothing.
I was referring to a Kiwi drivers licence before for the same reason.
In your case, you might also need to provide current telephone and power accounts.:D
Easy. Nz FAL holders or use an IRD number to be allowed in the ballot.
It is only 8 weeks that Helicopters are allowed to access most of the blocks. Overseas hunters can have the rest of the year to go in other areas. Or any unclaimed ballots or cancelations can be filled by overseas hunters that have a seperate ballot amongst themselves😆
To be honest if I had the say, I would not allow any overseas entry's. I don't give a shit about them. They contribute nothing to this country but they take bits of it away.
We get pushed around enough because of our PC, afraid to offend, attitudes.
I was not bred that way.
It is our backyard and I want to keep it that way.
To allow them 10% of the ballot would not work either.
For the record, I got nz IRD number piece of piss before even moving here. Could have bought a house too but wasn't that brave.
NZ fal and driver licence it is then. at least a cop has looked at you in person?
Interesting and thought provoking discussion.
Big congratulations on keeping it on task as well.
Personally I agree that overseas visitors should be excluded from the ballot and if they want to hunt then they pay for the privilege through an approved operator.
As for is it rigged....I don't think so. I didn't enter any and I was drawn 6 times so that seems fair:thumbsup:
Great thread enjoying this
The fish and game ballots are not rigged but it seems the same lucky people that some how win it year after year at same pond year after year
It sounds like we have just found our Pauline Hanson of the West Coast and we calling for foundation members of NZ One Nation here! This discussion is a bit xenophobic and should really be about how to provide more and better hunting experiences for all hunters, rather than banning west island hunter and other non resident hunters who actually do spend a fair bit of money to hunt here when then come to NZ through car hire, food accomadation, plane tickets most of which goes to local businesses and GST to Wellington.
Better game animal management, GAC is a good start, more money going back into managing populations etc. Resident and non resident licensed, pointed ballots to increase the chance of getting a tag etc. The issues you bring up have been addressed in many other countries. The US and canada do a pretty good job on these. The answers are not going to be palatable to guys who have good access to animals and country at there back door 12 months of the year though because you may well have to give up something as more locals want to hunt and have a better hunting experience.
" sounds like we have just found our Pauline Hanson of the West Coast and we calling for foundation members of NZ One Nation here! This discussion is a bit xenophobic "
That's quite the mouthful of complete shit
I fail to see the comparison. For starters, I bet R93s much better looking than her !