Basspro & Cabelas - Phoenix, Arizona
How can gun city claim to be the largest with those sort of amazing shops around
Thanks for sharing the photos. Brings back good memories.
Did the same a few years back when I was stuck in Southern CA for work over a weekend - drove to Phoenix Az to the same stores. :thumbsup:
Originally Posted by
How can gun city claim to be the largest with those sort of amazing shops around
I believe it is because they are specifically a gun store and their space dedicated to firearms is bigger than any others? Cabellas and Bass pro are sports stores rather than gunshops. Bass pro looks like it has a H&F feel to it , but it looks like they succeeded at what they were trying to do and H&F are trying to copy the big boys.....but without the budget or taste.
or, most importantly, expertise
Well unfortunately Bass Pro bought out Cabelas and is running it into the ground. Bass Pro has a lot of cheaper clothing lines and similar things and has gradually assimilated Cabelas with more junk on the shelves. Cabelas with some of their own store labeled brands had some very hard wearing, durable clothes and their stuff overall was more suited to real outdoorsman, while Bass Pro has been more for the fisherman and pseudo city slicker I want to look like a cool outdoorsman thing. Bass Pro is also not as big on firearms as the old Cabelas was, so for instance the one Cabelas I visit frequently, they cut the firearms section in half and replaced it with pink camo and junk for kids.
Still, the big mega store Cabelas(there are some smaller size Cabelas out there) they are worth a visit if you happen to be passing by. At the big Cabelas they are pretty good about having a well stocked reloading section and lots of ammo. However everything at these stores is more high retail price so one thing I do is often you can get discounted E-gift cards online which will save you 10-20%.
And there was also once Gander Mountain chain stores, but these closed a few years ago... i got a lot of bargins from them, and actually preferred some of the lines they carried over Cabela's and Bass Pro...
Good lord
Fantastic job with pics
Were you Bankrupt once you left :-)
See Ammo just on open shelf/isles
The one on Memphis has live gators in the pond!
I was there during game bird season and the different types of decoys, calls, hides and other shit was a site to behold.
Even Mrs IMaca likes going to them. We went back to the Memphis store in the evening to have dinner as our AirBnB was just around the corner
1 Attachment(s)
Meanwhile we have this.Attachment 135447
Originally Posted by
How can gun city claim to be the largest with those sort of amazing shops around
i have been to 3 bass pro/cabellas and the stores are amazing but the firearms section is nowhere near the same size as GC christchurch. however the range of what they sell is amazing, from a single fishing lure thru power boats, skidoo's, ATV's etc
I find that if I go into one without a list I come out empty handed. Too big, too much stuff it can be a mind fu**!
Great pix. Yeah, at Bass Pro in Vegas I just wandered around with my jaw on the ground, it was just incredible. Twice a day they threw in a line and hooked a bass in the indoor pool which was almost identical to those pix, and released it.
“Where you from hun? I can tell you’re not from around here. We can ship anything you like to wherever you live...”
Thanks so much for going to the effort of posting these. Simply amazing.. I have been to USA and Canada a couple of times but in forest ptoduction areas, quite remote and never got to see those big stores. Thanks again. :)