working doing possum control brings some perks with it and this is the best yet. took my dog patch the bosses bitch and the pup from these 2 to work. long story short patch started barking so I called the bitch over and she went in they ran over the ridge and 700 down to the creak. the pup is still learning so he stayed with me. wasn't sure if I should call them back or not so I went down. pup went in and got smashed and ran away so I got him back then he went in and bailed awesome. I snuck up to find a very big boar standing there then saw my dog get thrown away. using my trusty semi auto 22 I gave him 2 shots in the ear and he dropped. nice big 150lb boar. pup got ripped up but hes ok. best pig with foxys and just 2 young dogs that stopped it.very nice jaw to ill put a pic up once I clean it