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Thread: Better Hunting - free online NZ hunter training programme by the Game Animal Council

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2022

    Better Hunting - free online NZ hunter training programme by the Game Animal Council

    Hey folks. I posted a while back asking for interest to review the big hunter training platform the Game Animal Council have been working on - 'Better Hunting'. We got heaps of interest and ironed out a few more bugs - and now we're live!

    I thought I'd get in first before someone creates a 'what muppet made this rubbish?' thread and say I am that muppet (with considerable help and input from the pros). I'm pretty new myself which was a useful perspective for the Essentials courses currently available. I worked closely with NZDA HUNTS instructors, professional hunters and firearms instructors and heaps of other people who's job this stuff is to 'get my dumb questions' answered, but there's bound to be a few bits and pieces others will notice or question now we've gone public. And things we haven't touched on or thought of at all!

    I have found this forum extremely useful myself and linked it around the place on the platform. I think this community and the knowledge base it creates is awesome. If any of you want to have a look, please get into it and send in feedback, future ideas etc. etc. I'll be fixing, clarifying, tidying things up, improving usability etc. as wider feedback comes in through more usage. Obviously that relies on people telling me things. Better Hunting (and the GAC) are FOR hunters so if you're not happy or want something, say so!

    Here's an official press release

    Check out Better Hunting at https://betterhunting.nz and I'd love to hear what you think (either here or through the feedback functions on Better Hunting).
    gimp, Kiwi Greg, MB and 8 others like this.

  2. #2
    Member Kestrel's Avatar
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    Incredible project and initiative, thanks for sharing! Can't wait to get stuck in.
    LarryB and veryfuturistic like this.

  3. #3
    Member veryfuturistic's Avatar
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    I'm new to hunting and have been really eager to broaden my knowledge. Reading a hell of a lot of books, hanging out on the forum and looking forward to doing HUNTS training -- so this sort of thing is exactly what I'm looking for to fill in the gaps. I'm excited to get started. I'll give my feedback as I work my way through it, but first impressions are great -- looks professional, thorough and easy to use. Also keen to get stuck in -- good work.
    308 and LarryB like this.

  4. #4
    Walking my rifle
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    I forwarded it on to every man and his dog, ill have a go myself too, never to old to learn.
    57jl and LarryB like this.
    If you can't kill it with bullets, dont f*ck with it.

  5. #5
    Member Happy Jack's Avatar
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    Jan 2020
    Will have a go, I got an email about as I had registered an interest in it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    New Plymouth
    this rubbish needs to be removed so fast of this forum its sad sorry butt does not touch the ground - dont get sucked in by it - political rubbish - the Game Animal Council is a non event and needs removing from our hunting land scape - it was a cheap deal done to get a party across the gap into parliment and is not needed in NZ - bugger of and leave us hunters alone - yes I supppose I will get booted of posting this but how come these pricks can post their crap and other members cant

  7. #7
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    The Big H
    Nothing political about resources to help new hunters learn
    199p, rugerman, 57jl and 4 others like this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    New Plymouth
    Quote Originally Posted by gimp View Post
    Nothing political about resources to help new hunters learn
    dont be fooled - we are not allowed supposedly to post anything political then why is this outfit allowed to post their political doctrines - be very scared of what this outfit is about one of their early ideas was they wanted uniformed Rangers in the field to police what hunters could or could not shoot - they want managed hunting - we do not need them or want them - to stay on the forum my last post on this but when presented with the Game Animal Council - run like shit NZ Hunters

  9. #9
    Member Happy Jack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry the hunter View Post
    dont be fooled - we are not allowed supposedly to post anything political then why is this outfit allowed to post their political doctrines - be very scared of what this outfit is about one of their early ideas was they wanted uniformed Rangers in the field to police what hunters could or could not shoot - they want managed hunting - we do not need them or want them - to stay on the forum my last post on this but when presented with the Game Animal Council - run like shit NZ Hunters
    Got any leads or links to any of this information that your ranting about so we can check for ourselves?

    Otherwise its just an opinion where I prefer facts.
    Happy Jack.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    New Plymouth
    I said my last post so search google - but run hard -- me I regard them like fly strike but after 35 years in DOC and Forest Service I may just know what I am talking about- this Council was established under an act called The Game Animal Council Act 2013 - they can appoint Warranted Officers and Honorary Officers under that act - they have same powers as DOC - so when you are out in your favorite area and one comes along and says in this area you have just shot a hind / doe that's illegal - so they have the powers of prosecute stop search seize and they can set the rules because they are working under an act of parliament - consider this who do they consult with-NZ hunters how do they do that ?? - ever been asked for your opinion from them or any attempt by them to gather info on NZ hunters from any one you know - no and neither do I know anyone - well old Barry told you to run
    Last edited by Barry the hunter; 30-10-2023 at 06:53 PM.

  11. #11
    STC is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry the hunter View Post
    I said my last post so search google - but run hard -- me I regard them like fly strike but after 35 years in DOC and Forest Service I may just know what I am talking about
    maybe, maybe you are just talking shit

    no way of knowing if you keep ignoring questions asked:

    what do you not like about the GAC?
    Last edited by STC; 30-10-2023 at 06:55 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    New Plymouth
    Quote Originally Posted by STC View Post
    maybe, maybe you are just talking shit

    no way of knowing if you keep ignoring questions asked:

    what do you not like about the GAC?
    no not talking shit at all mate read my last post and run

  13. #13
    308 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by veryfuturistic View Post
    I'm new to hunting and have been really eager to broaden my knowledge. Reading a hell of a lot of books, hanging out on the forum and looking forward to doing HUNTS training -- so this sort of thing is exactly what I'm looking for to fill in the gaps. I'm excited to get started. I'll give my feedback as I work my way through it, but first impressions are great -- looks professional, thorough and easy to use. Also keen to get stuck in -- good work.
    I very strongly recommend doing the HUNTS course
    rugerman, paremata, Louie and 2 others like this.

  14. #14
    STC is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by 308 View Post
    I very strongly recommend doing the HUNTS course
    100% agree!

    that said, nothing wrong with an online course to at least get the theoretical aspects nailed.

    HUNTS courses sadly are limited with the number of applicants.
    veryfuturistic likes this.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Part of what @Barry the hunter is talking about in relation to Game Animal Council Act 2013. Can't see it being any worse than some of the Fish and Game wankers walking this earth.
    Link to Act here if interested. https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/...tml#DLM4105503

    Schedule 1
    Enforcement officers and honorary enforcement officers
    s 38

    Appointment, removal, and warrants
    1Enforcement officers
    The Director-General may appoint any warranted officer, within the meaning of section 2(1) of the Conservation Act 1987, as an enforcement officer for the purposes of this Act.
    The Director-General must issue to an enforcement officer appointed under subclause (1) a written warrant—
    stating the powers that the officer may exercise under this Act; and
    stating either—
    that the officer may exercise the powers generally throughout New Zealand; or
    the defined area or areas in relation to which the officer may exercise the powers.
    Every constable is also an enforcement officer for the purpose of this Act.
    2Appointment and removal of honorary enforcement officers
    The Director-General may appoint any fit and proper person who is suitably qualified and trained as an honorary enforcement officer for the purpose of this Act.
    An honorary enforcement officer—
    may be appointed for a term not exceeding 3 years, but may be reappointed:
    may be removed from office by the Director-General, by written notice, if the Director-General considers for any reason that the person is no longer a fit and proper person to be an honorary enforcement officer:
    may at any time resign office by written notice to the Director-General.
    The Minister may reimburse an honorary enforcement officer for reasonable expenses incurred while performing his or her duties under this Act if the Minister—
    has authorised the officer to incur expenses up to a specified amount; and
    subsequently approves those expenses.
    An honorary enforcement officer is not to be treated as employed in the service of the Crown for the purposes of the Government Superannuation Fund Act 1956 or the Public Service Act 2020, or for any other purpose, just because he or she is an honorary enforcement officer.
    The Director-General must issue to an honorary enforcement officer a written warrant—
    stating the powers that the officer may exercise under this Act; and
    stating either that—
    the officer may exercise the powers generally throughout New Zealand; or
    the officer may exercise the powers in relation to a defined area or defined areas.
    The Council may recommend to the Director-General persons to be appointed as honorary enforcement officers in respect of herds for which the Minister has delegated powers to the Council under section 20.
    Schedule 1 clause 2(4): amended, on 7 August 2020, by section 135 of the Public Service Act 2020 (2020 No 40).

    3Surrender of warrant
    On the termination of his or her appointment, an officer who holds a warrant issued under clause 1(2) or 2(5) must surrender to the Director-General—
    his or her warrant; and
    any article of uniform, badge of office, or equipment issued to him or her.
    4Exercise of powers
    Before an enforcement officer or honorary enforcement officer exercises a power under this Act, the officer must, unless it would be impractical to do so,—
    identify himself or herself; and
    produce evidence that he or she is an officer appointed under or described in this Act; and
    inform the person that the power is being exercised under this Act.
    It is sufficient evidence that a person is appointed as an officer under this Act if the person produces his or her warrant issued under clause 1(2) or 2(5).
    It is sufficient evidence that a person is a constable if he or she produces evidence that he or she is a constable.
    An enforcement officer or honorary enforcement officer exercising a power under this Act may call on any person for assistance, and the person called on is authorised to assist the officer if the person acts under the direction and supervision of the officer.
    5Power to intervene to prevent or stop offending
    An enforcement officer or honorary enforcement officer may—
    act in a way that is reasonable in the circumstances to prevent an offence that he or she believes on reasonable grounds is being or is about to be committed:
    require a person whom he or she believes on reasonable grounds is committing an offence, or is about to do an act that if continued would result in an offence being committed, to stop committing the offence or doing the act.
    6Power to require personal details or production of lawful authority
    An enforcement officer or honorary enforcement officer may require a person who the officer believes on reasonable grounds has committed or is committing an offence to—
    give his or her full name, residential address, and date of birth; and
    produce evidence of these personal details.
    An officer may require a person doing an act for which lawful authority is required to produce the lawful authority within a reasonable time.
    7Power to search
    An enforcement officer or honorary enforcement officer may, without a warrant, search any building, vehicle, vessel, aircraft, animal, or other thing on public conservation land if—
    it is owned, occupied, or used by, or is in the possession or under the control of, a person whom the officer suspects of committing or having committed an offence under this Act; and
    the officer has reasonable grounds to believe—
    the person is committing or has committed the offence; and
    that there is evidential material relating to the offence in that place or thing to be searched.
    8Power to stop
    In exercising a power under clause 5, 6, 7, or 9, an enforcement officer or honorary enforcement officer may—
    stop, and keep stopped for a period that is reasonable in the circumstances, any animal, vehicle, aircraft, vessel, or other thing; and
    require any person to stop, and remain stopped, for a period that is reasonable in the circumstances.
    9Power of seizure
    An enforcement officer or honorary enforcement officer may seize—
    any animal or animal product upon or in respect of which the officer believes on reasonable grounds an offence has been or is being committed under this Act:
    any animal or other thing that the officer believes on reasonable grounds is evidence as to the commission of an offence under this Act:
    any thing with which any animal, animal product, or other thing referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) is intermixed.
    The Director-General must retain any item that is seized under this clause pending proceedings against the person concerned.
    Despite subclause (2), the Director-General may sell or otherwise dispose of a seized item if he or she is satisfied that the item will perish, rot, or spoil.
    A seized item (or the proceeds from its sale) must be released to the owner or other person from whom it was seized if—
    no proceedings are taken in respect of the offence within 12 months of the seizure; or
    proceedings are withdrawn; or
    the defendant is acquitted.



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