Hi Team yes its that time of year again , My B day its not usually met with too much enthusiasm , well on my behalf anyway especially now that im getting reeeally old forty poo to be precise , but I guess I do have a lot of cool things happing like the kids getting old enough to tag along on hunts among other things , the hand peace is sitting in a dusty bucket (did put a bit of crc in there ...just incase my master plan fails ) and my phone well sometimes I don't even no where it is , anyhow my buddy Mac attack had not been for a hunt in ages I do recall the last hunt as , "someone" left there bullets behind mind you creedmore bullets are rather small so easily doneneedless to say no deer where harmed !
so it was decided with Christmas just around the corner we,d best go for a hunt , piggy in the middle was bouncing up & down to join us so after stacking the last bales of hay , Mac turned up . Blue sky and a cool southerly breeze we headed to the crows nest its one of those spots you just never no what's going to show up being a saddle on the main range pigs & deer use it crossing from one side to the other so off went up the gut busting climb pushing through monkey scrub , flax and tussock after reaching the main ridge it starts to level off we were following the main game trail when I heard a bit of a grunt we stopped & listened and sure enough a stag was giving some practice roars like they do early roar iv seen spikers doing this so I presumed that's what it was however we did not locate the animal , upon reaching the crows nest we parked up with around 1 hour of light left we started glassing the saddle and opposite face after around 20 minutes I spotted a young velvet stag browsing in the scrub line but he had a nice even head so was safe even after some prompting from the little person to just shoot it ! , we sat tight waiting then a spiker turned up followed by another , even though they were from different parts of the forest somehow they ended up feeding together ..a fatal mistake 325y away some last minute flax and tussock trimming done we were ready to rumble , with the suppressors everyone uses these days (self included) there was no booming echoes bouncing around the gully's but still a good end result
While im at it purely for the benefit of others reading this here's another quick yarn its called "pigs revenge"
so I shot a couple of really good fat pigs 2 weeks ago , we figured a bit of a local street pre xmas party was in order , naturally a big back leg of basted delicious pork put in the rotisserie would be perfect , I had the temp sitting at around 180 degrees but wandered off into the garage for around 7 minutes only to see black smoke rising above the house !!
so its BBQ time boys and girls lesson learnt , don't put the bbq close to the house & guess don't leave it unattended ..this was raging the pork was like a Lucifer fire lighter , I shall be purchasing a fire extinguisher as well.
Have a Good one.