Well I think I'm well and truly into this roar thing now eh..
Short and sweet, been hunting a new pozzie for a few months now and noticing a few animals about. About four weeks ago I took to the bush and roared up my first stag! It was epic. I didn't realise how close we were (40yards) until it was too late. I got a pretty good look at him, reckon he was a young ten, before he bolted.
Returned two weeks later and hunted my usual morning pozzie that evening. Saw a few hinds 700+ away, then spotted two hinds at 450. Hummed and hawed and decided we needed the meat and I've been shooting the gong at 400 all day every day. What's an extra 50 yards.....hehe.
Lay down, got sorted, took my jersey off and got a nice firm rear rest. Zoomed into 14 power and lost them. Getting dark...pressure on. Zoomed out, got comfy, zoomed back in. ON A STAG. He was 443yards feeding downhill, just above the hinds, pretty much straight on. I dry fired and calmed my breathing. Then loaded a round and it didn't feel right so ejected that and loaded another. Touched off the shot and THWACK he was down before the sound even got back to us. I checked out the live round I ejected and it turns out the projectile was just loose, not crimped (140gr Core Lokts).
Took a wee while to get down to him, it was quite dark so I could see that he had nice lone tines and some tops but had no idea that he was the monster that he turned out to be!
I got him measured, 139 3/4 DS
Absolutely epic hunt. Very happy with my range practice. I haven't even shot a goat out that far. So pleased.