Pig-breeding boom in North Taranaki led to lamb-eating frenzy, say hunters | Stuff.co.nz
Why can nobody take responsibility or accept that not everything can be controlled especially nature. buy a gun mate and get rid of some pigs.
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Pig-breeding boom in North Taranaki led to lamb-eating frenzy, say hunters | Stuff.co.nz
Why can nobody take responsibility or accept that not everything can be controlled especially nature. buy a gun mate and get rid of some pigs.
stop reading stuff.co.nz
it is my last day at work, have to do something, i'm sure as fuck not working
Hunters' breed and liberate pigs. Let caught sows go. And farm the pig populations.
We are our own worst enemies at times.
wonder how many sows are let go cos they want them to breed up and they want to catch a boar. I am not a pig hunter but have been on many pig hunts and it was common practice to let sows go.
Not shooting prego hinds, velveties, young stags etc is no different
Not quite the same, 2pigs of breeding age in 1.5 years can make over 900, 2 litters a year, average litter 8, 50% survivability and :1:1 male female ratio. The sows from the first mating can have theirs by the time mum has her third and it grows fast. Deer only double every 3-4 years still fast enough if they eat your winter crops.
Breeding rates aside its the same :D
I've got to stop farming my rabbits! I've got to stop farming my rabbits! I've got to stop farming my rabbits! I've got to stop farming my rabbits! I've got to STOP THINKING GREEN! I've learnt not to stop farming my rabbits! I feel better already!:thumbsup:
I know a pig hunter that had released pigs in his area. He is also a police officer :)
Sent from my workbench
Well that will be bloody legal then!:thumbsup:
Maybe they should say yes when the next person comes door knocking for a place to hunt...
I've never farmed pigs must be a North Island thing. I hunted and took every pig I caught... Then again were in Nelson its foresty hunting.
Reading the article you read that the station next door had regular hunters, this would push the pigs off the property to a quieter location...ie his place! He would be better spotlighting and shooting them or if possible get some guys with night vision gear... IM bloody certain if he asked around and made it bloody clear he wanted every pig seen shot. He would get some serious hunters doing what they were asked to have private shooting like this.
Great reporting usual disjointed stuff but taking one boar out wouldnt stop lambs disappearing so its a bit curious
Biggest problem I see is someone reading "stuff" again. Should be called "Stuff ALL" because that would very accurately reflect the amount of research that goes into their stories as well as the amount of truth involved.......
Fairfax media boys -lets not forget this is the same outfit who in fleet street London used cellphone messages of a wee murdered 11yr old lass to generate stories , and tapped the royal phones lines of the firm of Windsor INC the maggots! all this to allow one mangy old aussie to generate enough spondooolies to find himself a fresh bit of crumpet to decrepitly snuggle up in the marital sack with!!
Mostly if your out pig hunting all the time it comes down to ...how much pork do ya need .so if you catch a pig and you or your mates don't need it why kill it .if theres heaps around and there causing a problem sure but contrary to media that doesn't happen that often ...like gibo said ...same principle
There is a question of ethics and animal welfare sometimes. I dont own dogs but do hunt occasionally with people who do. I enjoy the physicality and up close and personal nature of it but have had a couple of disagreements over catch and release. Especially when the dogs have been on it for a while and its a bit chewed up. Some hunters post u tube videos that could provide the anti hunting rat pack with ammo.
Plenty get released, I know of a shepherd who let a few go on the back of the station he was working on, TB free farm, unfortunately the pigs came from a TB area and a couple turned out TB positive, caused all kinds of shit, Shepard found a new job QUICKLY, was a few years ago now.
Its natural that some like to think they protecting their hunting and want animals around in future to hunt. Many pigs and deer get released into the wild , its just a fact.Many don't shoot hinds etc and pighunters try release sows...DOC and others with 1080, and cullers would like nothing better to wipe out wild deer and pigs from NZ full stop. Its a impossible task, but they try and do what they can. Some hunters try and do what they can to maintain some animals in certain areas...its just life in NZ. Be it if you agree or not, shit happens
We know that- Same will be said of people shooting at deer at ranges without killing cleanly. Wounding, not retrieving etc-poor form and doesn't sit solely with the pig hunting fraternity...it sits with people who seem to show fuck all respect to anything at all.
I try and release any pig I might catch that I do not need(ego or meat) as where I hunt the pigs numbers are such that they are born on the run and hunting utes are seen twenty deep at the local BP before dark any Saturday and Sunday morning.