Reading the hunter being shot thread got me thinking of how many guys wear blaze gear in the roar period?
Do you wear Blaze?
Which colour?
No Blaze?
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Reading the hunter being shot thread got me thinking of how many guys wear blaze gear in the roar period?
Do you wear Blaze?
Which colour?
No Blaze?
Possible blue but Def not orange, give a few days in the sun and it turns red- brown, not good
Reflecive strips are good though, have worn my St John yellow vest carrying a deer out before, no idea what I would have said if I met a tramperthough
Better to stay hidden, Blaze orange draws your attention and unfortunatley at this time of year bad things happen.
only at this time of year due to all the keyboard hunters that come out once a year. I have chosen blue, poor dog is like a red deer though :(, shoot my dog and you best be a quick runner is all i am saying.
I think something that needs to be look into after being involved in a shooting incident in the last weeks is respecting that if someone else is in the area ya best choose another area or be happy to be told to bugger off.
Thats all i am going to say on this sad day
i voted no blaze, as i dont generally like it. In thick bush i still believe if another hunter saw a tiny part of you, in the right condations, they think you more likely a animal with the tiny bit of blaze they can see other than say green. Theres no green deer, but there are deer with quite orangy coats that blaze could look like. Still, i have blaze, and wear it sometimes as in open bush people can see you far better ,but i always feel that wee bit more nervous when i do so i do generally dont.
I'm all for either full stealth mode .................. or full bling mode.
And not being as bone collector makes the decision to stay at home on the couch this time of year easier.
Be safe people.
I wear blaze a huge amount of new Zealand men are colour blind so blaze orange looks brown
blaze orange top ONLY gets worn out in open now, blue blaze gets the tick from me it sticks out like doggies danglies
hunted for years with mate who like many men is red/green colour cant see green shit on red meat,brown rabbit in grass (faaarkin hopeless spotlighting) brown deer,thar in grass took a lot of pointing out so blaze orange was just a lighter shade to him.
I ment blue blaze yep sticks out any were alrigth
I wouldnt go hunting unless I wore Blaze. To many idiot out there now days.
Have never worn Blaze, feel what can't be seen, can't be shot at. Do own a blue blaze top but scared to wear it. Was told a few years ago that high % of shot hunters were " blazed up " in some way. Be safe out there.
I think blaze is great. I think blue stuff is shit. Not hard to see the difference between the two on those MSC/BGHNZ videos that have been going around even though those stoney creek camo vests are bloody terrible, not even close to being proper Hi-Viz blaze.
No blaze for me would rather not draw attention to myself
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Blue Blaze : TICK
Orange Blaze : FAIL ... we've proven wearing that makes you look like a fucking deer.
Other than that, CAM to the Max .... they cant see you if you do a good enough job - and you cant shoot what you cant see (although some idiot will prove me wrong)
No Blaze like others said, cant see me cant shoot me, that orange blaze crap is a joke, I Hunt alone, and I will Never hunt on weekends or during busy holiday periods, I never have and never will.
No blaze here as all my gear is multi-purpose. Like others have said, better to not draw attention to your self as you may just increase you your chances of been mistaken for something else...
Sometimes a blaze vest. I did take it off the other nigjt as light was fading as i dont like looking like a deer in lowlight. Was thinking of buying some blue for this weekends trip or just camo.
Read this:
In Virginia, 63% of hunting incidents involved wearing blaze orange.
The problem with wearing camo. is that these clowns are shooting at movement or sound. Blaze is better. Yellow tends to fade out in late afternoon sunlight, and blue is difficult to see in heavy, dark bush. Wearing green, brown or camo is asking for trouble.
Are you serious....these so called clowns are normally always experinced hunters who have done it a long time, they not shooting at movement or a sound, thats a joke. They not identifying there target 100pcent, they see part of something they clearly think is a deer. To there eyes what they seeing is a deer, the colour, shape etc is what there brain is telling them , yep, thats a deer. The mistake they making is not seeing enough of the animal to confirm 100 p cent it is actually a deer.
Deer arent green, and wearing camo is not asking for trouble because they happen to see some movement because they not just shooting at movement. Just happens that some of the ones shot last year were wearing blaze, and it didnt save them. One was shot in the head and he had a blaze cap on.. I suggest wearing green, camo is prob safer than blaze, they wont see you , and if they do they going to struggle thinking you a deer . More likely a faded blaze top, brown backpack, colour of your hair than camo.
And from your BIO on your profile Ranger 88 you should know what the facts are when it comes to these shootings. Being a former firearm safety officer and involved in SAR and the mountain Safety you should know its experienced hunters, over 45, been hunting at least ten years or more that are involved in most of these shootings, not "clowns that just fire at anything"". Maybe back in your day you werent informed on the facts ?
Both the dog and me are Blue Matchy matchy
Orange blaze for me - been wearing it for years. Think blue blaze would appear black in poor light in the bush which may just look like a nice Captain cooker.
End of day it's what YOU wear that makes you feel safe. Happy hunting
Blue blaze all the way. Sticks out like dogs balls in the bush. Even at last light.
This image was the decider for me. Am only wearing a blue beanie, rest of me is in camp or olive. Was a grey dark and cold day in the kaimanawas.
Attachment 47703
Pink was proven in studies to be the best from memory, who's keen?
Maybe we should all wear rainbow coloured clothes... ok obviously this dude's not wearing but... yeah.
I've got a blaze vest and hat. But I don't wear them really and haven't been shot yet!!! My wife says she will kill anyone who shoots me so beware.... I really dont know and cant make an informed choice, so not voting.
Very interesting thread, great discussion. Never considered wearing blaze would potentially put you in more danger.. Will put more thought into this!
The only problem with blue is that it sticks out for deer as well. We have trichromatic vision. Deer have dichromatic vision. This means that deer do not possess all of cones in the eye that we do. The cone that they are missing is the one that is sensitive to longer wavelengths such as red and orange. Similar to someone who is colour blind they have trouble distinguishing between middle-wavelength light (which includes green) and the longer wavelengths (red and orange). What they do possess are the cones sensitive to short-wave length light which includes the blue portion of the colour spectrum. So it is important that you do not let a deer drive your car or pick your tomatoes.
Unfortunately, it appears that there is an evolutionary reason that they are dichromatic. A study published in the journal for the Royal Society for Biological sciences in the early 90s showed that colour blind people (who have dichromatic vision) performed far between than people with normal vision in identifying camouflaged objects.
2 or 3 roars ago, i had an experience where i roared in a couple of hunters in fairly thick bush. Before i knew they were hunters i had seen what i was sure was deer colour moving across behind scrub, i could hear it, and was waiting for it to come out further and present a shot. then a bush started to shake, and i was expecting to see the stag emerge from the scrub - I got a hell of a shock when a father and son hunters popped out, they wearing full blaze orange head to toe. My rifle was not raised into the shooting position once, but my thumb was resting on the safety all ready to flick it off.
I am certain that there would have been some people would have fired at the first colour and movement that i had seen (heaven forbid). The colour i saw looked exactly like deer colour to me when it was under a dark bush canopy and partially hidden behind scrub.
It scared the shit out of me, I was sitting hidden behind a bush higher than where they emerged wearing full camo/green, they hadnt seen me until i made my presence known to them, fair to say they shat themselves too. We all hunted together for the rest of the day.
I believe its not until you have witnessed this that you will have a good appreciation for how bad blaze orange can be, in my opinion it is darn right dangerous in this situation. Whilst there is still no excuses for shooting someone that is wearing blaze orange (or anything else) why wear something that actually can make the situation worse and make you look more like deer colour in some situations.
Green and/or camo for me, would rather not be seen rather than make myself a target. Blaze orange IMO is dangerous and should be banned! There has been a couple incidents of recent years from memory where the poor bastards were trying to do the right thing, wearing blaze orange beanies/caps and got shot in the head!!
I use blue tramping gear, not really a fan of cammo and after checking out a "deer" through my scope to find it was a hunter in dirty blaze I'm iffy on the orange stuff
I wear an orange blaze roadworkers vest with high viz strips....I think I look more YMCA than deer
There are some very interesting comments. Keep them coming. I personally wear Camo and will until a law is passed that says i can't wear it.
Some real life statistics would be nice. Surely they have been taking note of the hunting incidents and weather they were wearing blaze or not
Blue blaze hat for me, had orange but could be mistaken for a red deer for the inexperienced, no blue in the bush so a hunter would have to be shooting at movement if they saw blue.
Didn't shoot untill later in the roar last year for the very reason people seem to be trigger happy earlier on,, was thinking of getting out this weekend but the latest incident has me thinking.......
I believe that the Nato blue was not chosen cos it looks pretty.
As for Deer seeing what?
My issue with blue is wasps love of it.
If you havent already you will hunt parts of Nelson infested with the angry little cunts.
Orange high vis is awesome on the tops in light.
I dont wear it in the bush. Black and green for bush for me.
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I wear as much Blaze Orange as I can, and make sure it's not faded - has to be bright orange. Apparently investigations have shown that most people who shot someone else in the bush, were absolutely certain that they saw a deer - the brain recalled images from the past, and convinced them that what they were seeing was a deer. Most were very experienced hunters. Blaze Blue or Orange is designed to give the brain a jolt before the trigger is pulled, and break the message from the brain. Unfortunately, maybe there was not enough blaze, or bright enough blaze to save these victins?
In my opinion, to say it is better not to wear blaze because some people have been shot wearing blaze, is like saying you will not wear a seat belt because you know of someone who was killed whilst wearing a seatbelt. I wonder how many people have been saved by wearing Blaze? I guess we will never know.
Orange over blue, due to deer being able to see the blue spectrum, but not the red spectrum so well.
I was stalking with a good mate in thick bush on public land new years day a couple of years back...had a great day,spooked a few animals and sat down for snack, not long after continueing I looked down through the bush about 50 yards and spotted a BRIGHT orange horizontal line...approx. 24" long and 3" high...fair jumped out at me...looked hard,wound up scope to 9x (bolt open) still couldn't make it out,neither could my mate standing beside me,we must have stared hard for 30-40 secs but just couldn't work it out,until deers head came up and spiker took off,we had been looking at his back over a slight rise
ever since then I am doubly cautious of anything orange...because my brain has had "its a deer" message I need to be extra cautious
the blaze orange Tshirt will go onto my canvas back pack while I wear blaze blue
and the Te Pari products Oamaru caps are same smurf blue and really stand out.