Took a couple of folks who are looking at getting into hunting out for an overnighter by inangahua, last time i was out there about three months ago there were decent numers of deer, pigs and a few mobs of about 10 goats I saw. i figured we'd have a decent chance of gettig an animal for them.
well I don't know who'd been through but over the course of about 2 hours walk in I counted 7 goats and 2 deer shot and left by the side of the track. no meat taken, nothing taken off the goats to indicate it was part of the competition thats running at the moment, just animals rotting beside the track.
all it would have taken was dragging them about 2-3m and they could have been rolled down a bank and off the track but no, literally on the side of the trail.
I assume it was DoC because I can't think who else would leave all that meat there and it really pisses me off because you know hunters are going to be blamed for leaving stinking, rotting animals lying around.
of course if it was a hunter they deserve to have their bloody firearms licence pulled, the sheer wastage just makes me furious.