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  • 1 Post By JoshC

Thread: Breaking in new boots.

  1. #1
    Member Bonecrusher's Avatar
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    Breaking in new boots.

    New pairs of boots needed breaking in so a gentle walk was required, 24.7C on the watch so it wasn't going to be too strenuous as the black dog was along for a wander
    Met an older couple out for a walk on the track heading in. No sign whatsoever I was informed What is this then?

    And this?

    I had a couple of wallows that I wanted to check out for any recent use we haven't had any substantial rain since xmas so very dry. The tide was out but it had been checked over

    It is an area I've wanted to pull an animals out of for quite a while, the wind can be really fickle in here, as it was today one minute your cutting the wind next minute it's coming over your shoulder.

    Came out via a blazed track which colour tape do you think stands out Blue or Blaze? I know what I will be wearing in the roar

  2. #2
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    Where the older couple 'trampers'? I'm telling you they are blind Even the young ones.

  3. #3
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Yep there is activity there alright. Shit, prints and a rub. You would have to be blind to miss that and even then a clue would be the seeing eye dog playing up.
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  4. #4
    Member JoshC's Avatar
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    Hehe get that all the time. Funniest was a couple of guys up the Hopkins, been in there all week 'hadn't seen a thing'. Oh really says us, drove them out into river flat, binos out and saw a dozen tahr within 2 minutes of glassing!!!

    I reckon the blue stands out more, it's a 'foreign' colour whereas orange is not.
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  5. #5
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoshC View Post
    I reckon the blue stands out more, it's a 'foreign' colour whereas orange is not.
    I agree with that.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
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  6. #6
    Member Bonecrusher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoshC View Post
    Hehe get that all the time. Funniest was a couple of guys up the Hopkins, been in there all week 'hadn't seen a thing'. Oh really says us, drove them out into river flat, binos out and saw a dozen tahr within 2 minutes of glassing!!!

    I reckon the blue stands out more, it's a 'foreign' colour whereas orange is not.

    Tell you what guys the camera tell lies, it was fairly dark under the canopy and the orange tape stood out 100% more than the blue. Therefore on what I saw with my eyemeter blaze orange is the way I will be continuing to go on the basis of my very technical field test

  7. #7
    SiB is offline
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    must admit the orange took my eye.

    I suspect male colour blindness (can't see red usually) is a factor in the general discussion around colour dominance

    but to get back on track - nice sign there - go get 'em!

    a thought - new boots still a little hard? - give a really good going with SnoSeal - I swear by the stuff for improving comfort, and of course waterproofing leather


  8. #8
    Member Bonecrusher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiB View Post
    must admit the orange took my eye.

    I suspect male colour blindness (can't see red usually) is a factor in the general discussion around colour dominance

    but to get back on track - nice sign there - go get 'em!

    a thought - new boots still a little hard? - give a really good going with SnoSeal - I swear by the stuff for improving comfort, and of course waterproofing leather

    I have a tub of snoseal at home yet to apply. The boots are garmont full leather so will take a couple of walks to wear them in no doubt about that. This spot is frequented more by stags prior to the roar and in inclement weather the animals will seek shelter here plenty of broadleaf winter feed

  9. #9
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiB View Post
    must admit the orange took my eye.

    I suspect male colour blindness (can't see red usually) is a factor in the general discussion around colour dominance

    but to get back on track - nice sign there - go get 'em!

    a thought - new boots still a little hard? - give a really good going with SnoSeal - I swear by the stuff for improving comfort, and of course waterproofing leather

    Thanks for the reminder. I need to do TimeRiders boots. Last trip out her boots would have ended up almost twice the weight of mine.
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  10. #10
    SiB is offline
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    get her onto them herself! my wife always says my hands are soooo soft after I've done my boots (I just use my fingers - gave up using toothbrush or bits of flannel) - so the girls can't argue it's an icky job! lol.

    unless of course you're after the soft hands . . . .

  11. #11
    Member Sniper's Avatar
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    Is the blue slightly obscured?



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