Great turnout by all, tidy, respectable, professional. Definitely bucked the redneck/hillbilly image that seems to be portrayed. Good to catch up with a few familiar faces too. Pleased we made the drive up.
I'm drawn to the mountains and the bush, it's where life is clear, where the world makes the most sense.
Damn that looks cold!!!! .... well done all who attended and thanks from a slightly warmer north
I just watched parliament oral question. Quedtions put by Nat Jaqui to Green Eugenie. Sage was very cunning in her responses to quedtions which related a liitle more to commercial tahr guiding industries than to recreational hunters. Amongst Sage's responses she was adamant that DOC had consulted extensively with hunting groups over the past 2 1/2 years. Sage also claimed no extermination objective and that there would be thousands of tahr left over thousands and thousands of hectares. Unfortunately she was able to completely avoid specifics pertaining to comparing populations to remain in national psrks compared to other areas. Sage claimed records showed only 65 tahr had been shot over past year in national parks by hunters snd also clsimed the covid shutdown was the reason for culling now due to lack of overseas clients. She seemed yo me to not want to accept that recreational domestic hunters contributed much to the regional economies. Very "fly" IMO. She also slipped in a rant about DOC and heli operators receiving death threats. Etc etc.
Personally I believe hunting organisations legal teams need to challenge DOC and Minister Sage via the State Services Commissionet over malfaecance relating to the Public Service Codes of Conduct and The Parliamentary Manual and Oaths of Alliegance sworn by MP's.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
After such a respectful, peaceful protest in which the car jam was it would be disgraceful if there were “death threats” made to doc and the operators involved. If it’s true they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And if they are FAL holders they should loose it. We need as many people on our side as possible but I would rather not have these people on my side.
Frustration and deep anger surfacing. It's grim and Sage took the opportunity to blurt this out as a TOTALLY unrelated response to a quite different question put by National. Sage wad pulled up by a point of order but had already done her damage under parliamentary privilidge
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.