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Night Vision NZ Alpine

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Brodrick hutt/cullers hut

    Hi guys after advice looking at going for a walk up huxley or hopskins and staying at one of thee places,

    Read an article that these places especialy the huxley where shot out of deer for a research project in 2010

    Just wondering if anyones been up there lately and know if its worth taking a rifle or if its a ghost town, dont know nothing about tahr hunting but any of them around ethier this time of year up there?


  2. #2
    Member Snowgrass's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Always worth taking a rifle if you're heading up there. Check the boundaries on DoC website as most of the land on the left of the track on the way up to Monument Hut is private. Deer, Tahr and Chamois up the Huxley and Hopkins.



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