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Thread: Bullet Performance on game

  1. #1
    Member zeropak's Avatar
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    Bullet Performance on game

    Hi All, I am using Hornady superformance factory ammo loaded with the 129g SST projectile in a 6.5 Creemoor. I've shot a few Fallow deer with these and always been pretty happy with the performance, Shots have been taken from 30m out to 350M. shoulder shots usually leave an exit wound. The only bullet that I have ever found was a nice mushroom with core intact. This ammo is also pretty accurate in my Tikka T3x. Last weekend I shot a decent sized Boar, around 100kg gutter, I head shot it because that was the only shot available to me. Range was approx 175m the bullet hit just below the ear and the Boar dropped on the spot. The bullet did not exit, we hung the Boar up for processing and removed the head, the bullet, or what was left of it dropped out of the neck area onto the ground. When we butchered the animal we found small bullet fragments in the top of the back steaks and considerable Trauma in the neck area. The bullet had shed its core. Now I know the impact on a large Boars head is pretty extreme but it makes me think these projectiles might no cut the mustard on larger game like a good sized Red Stag. In past years I have used and reloaded for a 6.5x55. I always used Nosler 140gn partition bullets and never had a failure even on large stags. So I am wondering what other peoples experiences are with these SST projectiles and also what other people are using in the 6.,5 calibre. I am wondering how the 143gn Hornady ELDX are going, I have heard stories about these projectile shattering on impact. With a little luch I should have managed to add an image of 2 bullets. The one at the top recovered from the Boars head, the one at the bottom recovered from a fallow Deer shoulder.
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    ZeroPak Vacuum Sealers, Zero air Zero waste

  2. #2
    sneakywaza I got
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    The SST in light for calibre, and light for cartridge, are frangible. It's equivalent standard cup and core with an exposed lead nose is tougher. But not as sexy with no pointy red go faster tip. Treat it like a varmint pill and put it behind the shoulder.
    veitnamcam and Micky Duck like this.

  3. #3
    Member deer243's Avatar
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    Found the sf sst in 165 gr in my 308 pretty average to crap for bush stalking. Considering my 308 is 24 inches and the round is going pretty fast (2800 fps) .
    Too fast for close up and out to 100m range. Most animals ran , some quite a distance before falling over, even hit in the shoulder.

    Not ideal for the bush so changed to the fed fusion in 165gr. So far so good but both deer were neck shot . Mate shot a stag i roared in from 20m in the back of the head with a 7m mag.
    He was using the sf sst 139gr and it didnt exit and shed its core as well. Think they a good projectile at distance and when the speed is reduced.

    If going too fast they crap. I shot a Bull Tahr with my 308 with a sf 150gr sst from 310m and that totally pole axed it , was impressed with that.

    Wouldnt use them if range is close and personal
    30late likes this.

  4. #4
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    I use both the 129 sst and 143 gr ELDX in my 6.5 x55. I am lucky they both shot the same point of impact at 200 yards. I have shot several sambar with the eldx one being my largest stag to date , he was at 40 yards walking when I hit him a bit low on the shoulder the bullet angled back and I found it by the last rib , perfect mushroom and intact. Have shot several goats and two deer with the 129 gr SST , the deer were at 250 yards and both cases the bullets exited.
    Average speed for the ELDX is about 2600fps and just over 2700 fps for the SST out of the 20 inch barrel.
    My brother in law uses the 143 gr ELDX in his 260 Rem at a bit over 2700 fps and he has had very good success right out to 528 yards, once again the bullets recovered were perfect mushrooms.
    Not really a lot to not like they work , very well at the speeds we use them at.
    Once you drive them faster they both become a bit more prone to separation.
    Nick-D and Moa Hunter like this.

  5. #5
    Member chainsaw's Avatar
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    The heavier for caliber SSTs and ELDxs are better suited as an all round projectile. But if you go lighter or drive them fast you’ll get core separation on big, tough animals at close range. They are very good at longer ranges 200+ yards. I shot a decent red stag this roar with 150 ELDx out of 20in bbl 284, doing about 3000fps at muzzle. Stag was quartering towards me slightly so hade to go for shoulder shot. Stag ran about 40 yards before tipping over but was pretty much dead on its feet. Recovered pill, or what was left of it under skin on the offside. Pretty much complete core separation. Lungs were shredded, so did it’s job. But I’d be using a different pill for close ranges
    veitnamcam likes this.

  6. #6
    H.M is offline
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    Thats a bloody big Boar well done.

  7. #7
    Member mawzer308's Avatar
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    I think you are overthinking it. The Boar still died, bullets need to shed a bit of weight in order to do some damage. That is one sample of an otherwise good track record according to your post. I personally would not be worried.
    Nathan F, Tahr, outdoorlad and 8 others like this.

  8. #8
    Member zeropak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mawzer308 View Post
    I think you are overthinking it. The Boar still died, bullets need to shed a bit of weight in order to do some damage. That is one sample of an otherwise good track record according to your post. I personally would not be worried.
    Yeah your probably right. A Boars head is a pretty solid landing point for any bullet and yes I have been very happy with the SST bullet Performance. The reason for the post is that I am interested in what other hunters are using and their personal experience with those projectiles.
    ZeroPak Vacuum Sealers, Zero air Zero waste

  9. #9
    Member stagstalker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mawzer308 View Post
    I think you are overthinking it. The Boar still died, bullets need to shed a bit of weight in order to do some damage. That is one sample of an otherwise good track record according to your post. I personally would not be worried.
    Was my first impression from the post too.

  10. #10
    Member outdoorlad's Avatar
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    I found the 129sst to preform very well in my 260, just don’t drive them fast.
    Shut up, get out & start pushing!

  11. #11
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    Depending on angle of shot, you have two massively solid pieces of bone in the head, being the hinges of the jawbone, plus the atlas bone connection at rear of skull.

  12. #12
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    I have been using 140 ballistic tips in my 260. About 2700 fps. Shot 4 deer 2 weeks ago. One stag at 370 yards. Did a death run for 20 yards. Bullet in and out. Middle of shoulder. 3 others were bang and drop out to 100 yards. Have also used 130 Sierra hpbt which worked well. Generally in and out. 147 eld m out to 500 go good too. With the shortage of bullets I’d just keep using what you’ve got. Seems to me they aren’t getting away!

  13. #13
    Gone but not forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ginga View Post
    Have also used 130 Sierra hpbt which worked well. Generally in and out.
    Those bullets were very accurate in my 260 across a range of powder charges. I never got to try them on game before I sold the rifle.

  14. #14
    Member zeropak's Avatar
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    yeah True. whanahuia The way the bullet dropped on the ground after taking off the ehad I reckon it was the atlas joint which finally stopped it. I think the boar must have been facing slightly towards me. So the bullet entered under the ear and angled back to the atlas joint.
    ZeroPak Vacuum Sealers, Zero air Zero waste

  15. #15
    Ned is offline
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    I'm using 150SST in my 308. Zeroed in at 200m. When I'm bush stalking I just have a soft point as the first round ready to go. If I ever need a longer range shot out in open country just eject that first round.
    I'd rather have stayed with the interbonds but hornady aren't loading that pill in their superformance line anymore?

    Sent from my LM-G710 using Tapatalk



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