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Thread: Bush Stalking Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Bush Stalking Advice

    Hey all

    I am relatively new to hunting and want some advice.

    Went for a wander the other day in an area well-known for deer and the sign I saw proved it.

    A couple of questions:

    1. While wandering slowly and quietly along the track I heard a deer run away in front of me about 20m away I think. I stopped and listened. It moved again and was running down into a gully off the side of the track and barked at me. Bush was quite thick so couldn't see much. Should you try and follow?? Find a better spot to see more or give up as the deer spooked and ran away? I think I gave up to early and wandered on.

    2. On the same walk found an awesome area of open beech with heaps of fresh sign. Do you sit in one spot and watch the area or wander very slowly through the area hoping to bump into something?

    Keen to learn - thanks.

  2. #2
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    I will see if can find my post on this....never had luck following an already spooked deer,I do know of fellas who will just move off 50 yards downwind and sit and wait for deer to come back...Im far too impatient for that.
    biggest two tips
    keep wind in your face
    slow down
    louiannz likes this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  3. #3
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    After having a great week stalking recently it occurred to me that the method I used/use may be of interest to others and if I can convey it correctly a learning aid for new hunters...a big ask but here goes anyway.

    first up you cant drink whiskey from bottle of wine
    if there is no deer in an area you are wasting your time and energy doing a full on stalk of barren ground,find an area where you have fresh sign eg poohs on the ground,foot prints/spoor,tree rubbing or evidence of grazing and THEN get into mouse mode

    WIND is vital or fatal depending on your ability to read it,a red deer has been said to smell you from over a mile away,so hunting with a breeze blowing up ya jacksee is not going to be very productive (besides which those baked bean farts will linger longer) there are different ways to find/check the wind,wet your finger and hold it up to find which side gets cold,shave hair from behind your ears to feel breeze,powder puff pottle,piece of cotton tied to your barrel (Suz??? was this why your lot added feather to bow???) a quick flick of the trusty Bic flick..cigarette lighter to you non down unders, drop handfull of leaves or dust.
    which ever method you use hunting into the wind is best as it keeps your scent away from quarry,you CAN hunt across the wind eg sidle around contour of land with a breeze blowing uphill(thermal breeze on sunny day will do this) but you will be scenting up area above you so eyes need to cover area infront and above you well,main area to find game will be below you,which leads nicely onto how to see game

    I put up a poll on another forum recently to see how other people got a 100% positive ID of an animal (due to recent hunting accidents)
    biggest % of guys use 3 or more things to do this.
    personally I normally spot colour Im looking for/movement/horizontal solid line or something just "out of place"
    which then gets double checked..and triple checked if ticking boxes at that stage
    seeing head and neck of live animal doing LIVE animal things is MY PERSONAL final box to tick off.
    with modern electronic callers getting better and good old cow horn magic in right hands sound is OUT as an ID factor...other than to start process of checking something out,that includes roaring/croaking/bugling and general moving around noises like brushes rustling ,foot falls or antler rattling
    they are great to get your attention and focus it but not enough to tell what it is you are hearing...it could be a human..infact it is a human untill you can 100% tell otherwise..right thats enough on that one FOR NOW.

    ok so we are walking along with wind right and some fresh deer sign on ground...but HOW are you walking????a heavy booted plod just wont do old chap...wont do at all
    take a break from keyboard,go outside in bare feet and walk across ashfelt/tarseal/stoney road, you will find that you cant walk heel toe heel toe any more as it hurts Sad
    so you will by default start to place your foot flat..well sort of flat,outside of foot touches first then rolls down till big toe hits,your foot is down then your weight goes to that foot and then and only then will back foot move and repeat sequence. same goe for crossing a river,each foot goes down and solidly grounded BEFORE other one moves
    when Im in hot sign its 3 steps then stop and look..another 3 and look again etc etc etc if you in really hot sign and think you going too slow well Mates SLOW DOWN SOME MORE and then you are still going too fast.
    deer live there all the time,if you sitting in lazy boy chair in your lounge reading a book or eating a han n cheese sammie and some one walzed into your house you would know it straight away wouldnt you????? same goes for a deer except they know if they not really alert they will get one way trip on back of ute.

    k so we have
    walk slow
    find area of sign

    feeding area,sleeping/bedding area or moving between the two are main places to find your quarry
    food is where you find it
    bedding will be warm with light breeze to carry scent to bedded deer and be close to heavy cover...usually

    down here downunder we have warm faces on North side of ridges being best bets as warmer = more plant growth and better bedding areas.

    that will do for now...have a read and feel free to ask questions
    and Ill have a think on what Ive missed
    clothing and footwear come to mind.

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    PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 9:20 pm Post subject: Re: How to bush stalk KIWI style. Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
    clothing,well if you have the $$$$$$ Swazi is really good stuff,made by a hunting man for hunters,tested and it works and lasts but as said it costs
    me Im a cheap bugga and have a real mix n match wardrobe of polar fleece garments from all over the place,normally bought cheap by SWMBO on trade me auction site.
    in warm weather its polyprop short tights (think above the knee long Johns) with rugby shorts over top..to protect/preserve modesty.
    and usually a polyprop top or fleece Tshirt.
    in colder weater we "layer up" eg keep adding layers till we warm enough and top it with a shell layer
    if in the bush quietness is paramount so fleece is king.
    back in the day it was the good old Swanni or Lambi woolen coat but now fleece wins out as its so much lighter and dries quicker.
    a hat of some sort ,fleece gloves and a fleece neck warmer top off my list of cloths
    boots are a personal thing,lace up rubber gumboots win hands down for me.
    after years of sore red feet from hunting in leather boots my Brother got me onto Bullers and I havent looked back since,Ive got a reasonable pair of leather hunting boots and they do the odd day trip in hot weather but gummies are the shite in the bush,really easy to step quietly and they grip well so you dont spend half the day falling on ya bum and other half picking ya self up again.

    on last trip I would find area with sign and follow any spoor present if wind was right or just wander along SLOWLY in direction of travel taking path of least resistance picking deer trail where possible.

    rifles are again personal choice but for my money big n slow beats light and fast projectile wise (that said Ive hunted successfully with .223)
    a good old .308 is still hard to beat.
    but scopes are a different matter
    your 4x16 ziess or 8x24 might be the ducks nuts out in open country where long shots from rest are the norm but in the scrub the lower the magnification the better wiht 4x being MOST you want and lower still is better.mine wear vari powers with 3x as lowest and other rifle a fixed 4x
    tried mates smit n bender and it was plurry hopeless, even on lowest power the field of view was like peering down a drain pipe!!!!
    Bagheera, bigbear, Fatberg and 3 others like this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  4. #4
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    Get a dog.
    Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles

  5. #5
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    Good wee read while im in (C19) Jail.Im sorting and cleaning gear waitning to get out of here.Hot sun burning weather down here.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  6. #6
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    Last hour of light,sit down wind from a nice clearing,riddled with sign,and green spring grass.Deer will always return to the feed sometime.
    RUMPY and louiannz like this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    Get a dog.
    Strongly believe you need hunting experience before a dog becomes part of the team.

  8. #8
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Trout View Post
    Last hour of light,sit down wind from a nice clearing,riddled with sign,and green spring grass.Deer will always return to the feed sometime.
    with wind coming off clearing towards you....NOT with your farts drifting across clearing warning all deerzies in area you have been on dehy for days.
    10-Ring, Andygr and camenzie like this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  9. #9
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    Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.

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  10. #10
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    @louiannz try hunting river flats or grassy slips/clearings this time off year. Get to your prime spots before light if you can or sit back and wait or on evening and sit off the clearings Hi pressure hunting spots deer might not come out till the last ten minutes.
    I prefer my evening hunts myself once it gets dark the blow flys stop flying. Also if you have to drive couple hours in the morning,then walk 30mins before getting into hunt mode it makes for very early start this time off year.
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  11. #11
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    Wind coming down to yr face.99% of the wind is NW is always coming down the valley towards me.lols
    Last edited by Trout; 29-12-2022 at 02:59 PM.
    Micky Duck and woods223 like this.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2018
    bush stalking is the hardest discipline to master, it takes a really long time and a shit load of concentration to get right, I have been doing it for years and years and still spook more deer than i shoot. the biggest problem i have is after a while my mind starts to wander and its allways at this time i spook one. its just like anything the more you do it, the better you train your mind to focus for longer and the more sucusseful you become. Bush stalking is too hard for a lot of people,

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    @Alex_Z read this post it might help you
    Micky Duck and kukuwai like this.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbear View Post
    @Alex_Z read this post it might help you

  15. #15
    Member Oldbloke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huntdeepsouth View Post
    bush stalking is the hardest discipline to master, it takes a really long time and a shit load of concentration to get right, I have been doing it for years and years and still spook more deer than i shoot. the biggest problem i have is after a while my mind starts to wander and its all ways at this time i spook one. its just like anything the more you do it, the better you train your mind to focus for longer and the more succussful you become. Bush stalking is too hard for a lot of people,
    That has been my experience also. The successful blokes don't generally talk about the many hours that were not successful. You need to be very dedicated and have plenty of time to spare.

    I don't go too well but till nice to be out though.
    tetawa, Sideshow, bigbear and 1 others like this.
    Hunt safe, look after the bush & plug more pests. The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
    A bit more bang is better.



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