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Your looking for the wrong sign , don't worry about the rutting so much keep going until you find the rooting surprisingly this activity can be successful with only 1 pig involved ..but where there is one theres usually more not far away , but good luck finding them in the bush without a dog , best bet would be to ask a pig hunter to take you out or 2nd best bet dump 2-3+ sheep/goat carcasses in a spot you can sit back & watch once they find them they will keep going back till its gone or you put more there, I have a few fond memory's of doing just that, one time my mate & i had around 10 dead green ,bearing,stinking ewes on the back of his old trailer heading for the hills , got a few k,s down the road & a wheel fell off going round a corner half the stinkn things fell off onto the road lol ..how embarrassing :)
Got a few good boars over the years doing it though..with dogs .