Those Barnes 55gr look awesome but are kinda pricey @ around $1.40 just for projectile? Are the 69gr Seirras you refer to TMKs? Look a better option for pushing range with 223 with better bc.
Have you tried 75gr Hornady BTHP on game by chance?
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Yes, TMK. I haven't tried anything heavier than 69 grns. Only a 20" barrel. Yes. the Barnes are pricey but if you are using them on deer you don't use many. The TMK shoot to the same point as the Barnes from my rifle so I use the cheaper TMK on rabbits and for mucking around. I would be happy enough only using the TMK on deer if cost is an issue.
For shooting goats I would choose a .223 any day. Also .223 is a good calibre for deer as well. I have shot many deer using a .223
your splitting hairs mate.
God Tier:
Top Tier
Mid tier
Why would you even bother Tier
You are a closet gay Tier
Everything else is not worth mentioning.
Only good for shooting Rats in the ear Tier
Don't muck around. Just get a .338 or a 7mm ultra mag variant. Job done.
As mentioned, Yes, there is plenty of 243, and 270 ammo about and they are not uncommon calibres. Yes I said all those calibres will do what he wants. Yes I did suggest lighter recoiling calibres for goats and I did not say that 243 or 223 were not capable of killing deer.
To be very clear if choosing between 270 and 243, yes the 243 would be a far better choice than the 270. Ideal even. But for a newer shooter, I usually start them with my 223 then my 308 and give them plenty of Barnaul to get them used to the gun. If recoil becomes something they struggle with then I drop back to something like 243 or 6.5x55 which has lighter recoil but still effective on what they are using it for. For big reds and a newer shooter 243 would not be my first choice simply because I think there are better options available. But would not be my last choice either.
the main selling point for either the .223 or the 7.62x39mm or even the mighty .308 is the cheaper ammo that is availiable for them. shooting goats or wallabies is great fun if you arent having to limit yourself as its $2+ each time you squeeze of a shot.....once upon a time the .270 was my only centrefire and it was common to use 40-60 rounds chasing wallabies for the got plurry expensive when buying factory fodder for her.
hornady 50 packs have made the first 2 very good and barnaul caters for all 3.
My 260 is great on goats, shot one at 30 meters, dropped on the spot dead as a dead thing.
Have you made a decision yet ? I have a lovely .243 with a leupold vx2 3-9 dies and brass for sale.
Best calibre I've ever used on goats was my .284; please don't disrespect them, they're just another big game animal/pest.