I am still new to this hunting thing and so have knowledge to gain aplenty.
I see plenty of places now selling Hi-vis camo so can I assume that unlike humans deer are colour-blind?
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I am still new to this hunting thing and so have knowledge to gain aplenty.
I see plenty of places now selling Hi-vis camo so can I assume that unlike humans deer are colour-blind?
Hi-viz camo would have to be for those who are not sure if they want to be seen...or not.
True never thought about it like that
Yes, unlike most humans deer are red green colour blind but the do see UV light.
Can deer see reflective tape?...I do know that dirty orange hi-viz can be similar to red deer colour.
Wash your clothes in uv reducing stuff, stops the halo off your clothes
yes on the reflective tape....yes they see blue
BUT so do humans which is why it is very safe option for silly times of the year
for what its worth the warehouse stuff seems to be lasting really well and being slightly lighter material it means Im not over heating all the time.
favourite top is a H&F patchy jobbie that has lots of different panels n colours...something everyones eyes will pick up.Ive shit deer wearing my nato blue camo stuff.
It's personal choice Jack. Camo, blaze orange, blue, pink or an old green swannie. Deer see in the UV range which means they see as well in the night as day, your colour pallet doesn't really matter.
Their eyes are particularly sensitive to movement so if you are not moving they pretty much won't see you.
Don't wash your gear in normal washing powder though as they contain UV brighteners, instead use washing soda or nothing at all.
I wear a blaze hat and vest because it keeps Mrs Mac happy mostly. I don't shoot a lot of deer but I've shot em wearing a variety of gear, don't think the deer noticed.
I often look at the full head to toe kuiu types and think man I would feel like a plonker decked out like that. Deer see movement and recognize silhouettes ie: human shape and movement = bad, they actually have pretty piss poor eyesight as far as detail goes. I dont read too much into the whole camo thing, have one camo clothing item (stoney creek Rock pullover) and only bought it because it's a good windproof layer not because its camo. I have played around and came right up on a few deer now out in the open in fading light just having the wind right, getting down on my hands and knees so I dont present as a human, and moving towards them slowly but steadily and they have taken the "curious" course of action rather than the "ahhhhhh! Fuck!! Human!! Run away!!! Course of action . Had a hind a while ago that let me get right in to about 40-50m and she knew I was there alright but was obviously a bit confused as to what exactly I was, she was on full alert but her curiosity made her stick around, gave me a few quiet grunts/barks and stomped her feet a few times and finally kind of moved off more disgruntled than terrified. I was not wearing any camo at the time and believe that camo may give you a slight advantage crossing a face at long range range from the animal but most times it's not really offering you any advantage, doesnt matter how well you blend in the deer is looking for movement against the background and will pick you out anyhow. Have also came into the open before and realised there was a couple of deer against the treeline on the other side of the clearing, just stood absolutely still and they looked up from grazing in my direction a couple of times and never spooked, again not wearing camo but doing my best to stay still and not look like a "toilet sign human outline" and they were quite content.
yep Ryans bang on. Camo and the whole UV sports washing powder thing are the biggest scams out. Get the wind right, move slowly, no ammount of camo or lack of UV will save you if you dont do the basics.
I am with Ryan on this, Deer see movement and recognize silhouettes. If you are hunting tops or open country it doesn't matter how much camo you are wearing even a dress. Get down of the sky line even if the wind is in your face. Even your shadow on a sunny day deer will pick up on that movement even crossing a face. The one thing i find helps me is covering your face up a bit.
Couple years back i stalk in to a clearing and there was 15 old deer on it, one had three legs so decided i would shoot her. After the shot i did not move one bit. Yep for sure the gun was suppressed and they had no idea where that shot come from. A good teen minutes latter i slowly stood up it wasn't till then the deer bolted.
Wasn't movement it was my silhouette which relates to danger for them.
I think of it this way you don't really need the latest flashiest fashion camo out deer don't even wear it and they are hard enough to spot just wear colors they wear
Thanks for everyone's input certainly helps. I am hardly likely to rush out and buy anything just because everything is budgeted for and a is a considered purchase.
An example of silhouettes is when hunting on horseback and coming upon deer, many times the deer will just stand and stare, but the moment you dismount they will bolt...it is as if the horse shape is not a threat to them but the man shape is.